Page 39 of Corpse Roads

“She speaks!” He unleashes a megawatt smile. “I’m Leighton, Hunter’s better-looking brother. Sorry for, erm… you know. The other night.”

“Trying to get into bed with me?”

His easy grin widens. “Yeah, that.”

“You’re lucky Enzo didn’t knock you out,” Hunter comments. “Or worse. He was well within his right to shoot you.”

Leighton proudly flexes his biceps. “I reckon I could take him. What say you, Harlow? I think I prefer Goldilocks. You know, the girl that breaks in and sleeps in the bears’ beds?”

I choke on thin air. I’ve got no idea what he’s ranting about. Leighton spares me a cheeky wink, returning to prepping his breakfast while humming under his breath.

Seeing no other option, I take the empty bar stool next to Hunter. I can tell he’s studying me over his newspaper as I wince while sitting down. The meds I swallowed upstairs haven’t kicked in yet.

“Breakfast, Goldilocks?”

Leighton plops a bowl down in front of me, tipping some golden clusters into it from a bright-yellow box.

“What… ah, what is this?”

Leighton’s smile falters. “Huh? Cereal?”

“She’s on a strict diet from the hospital,” Hunter chips in sternly. “Protein shakes for weight gain and light foods only. Not your sugary crap.”

Leighton rolls his eyes. “Nobody wants to drink that tasteless shit. Let the girl live a bit.”

Staring down into the depths of the bowl, I watch him pour milk in and add a silver spoon. Mrs Michaels brought me milk once, when I helped clean up after a particularly messy night.

It was the only time she was remotely kind towards me. I think she was relieved to have some company in the dark hours after the ritual was complete. When I slipped on a puddle of urine, she soon lost her temper again.

“What are your plans today, Leigh?” Hunter fastens his collar, adding a silk tie. “I’m leaving for the office if you’d care to show your face at work.”

Leighton wrinkles his nose in distaste. “It’s far too early for the ‘w’ word. I’ll be resuming my Greys Anatomy marathon.”

“Great. Sounds real productive.”

“Someone’s gotta make the most of that fancy subscription you pay for. It’s a hardship, but I’ll shoulder the burden.’’

Hunter catches me staring as he stands and smooths his trousers, offering me a tiny frown. Panicking, I take a mouthful as a distraction.

My eyes almost roll back in my head. This stuff is insane. I’ve never tasted anything like it.

“Good?” Leighton smirks.

“It’s so… so…”

I shrug, unable to explain the taste of something other than the most basic food to sustain life. Leighton’s attention is firmly fixed on my mouth as I take another spoonful.

“Note to self. The girl likes sugar puffs. Very interesting.”

I can’t help but smile at Leighton’s antics.

“I’m off,” Hunter interrupts us. “I have an intelligence briefing in an hour.” He casts me a look that kills my appetite. “We’ll be having that talk later on.”

I hug my aching arm to my chest, nodding silently. Leighton casts Hunter a sour look before filling his own bowl with cereal.

“You’re killing the fun. Go play scary secret agent. I’ll take good care of Harlow.” Leighton’s voice is light and teasing. “I’m sure we can find some trouble to get up to.”

I can’t hold in my squeak of shock as Hunter flashes across the kitchen. He grabs hold of Leighton’s shirt and pins him against the fridge with a low hiss of fury.