Page 20 of Corpse Roads

His lips twist in another small smile. “You catch on quick. Our priority is making sure you’re okay. We never expected to find you…”


“Truthfully, we didn’t even know about you. Another girl is missing, and we believe she’s connected to your story too.”

Pain crashes into me with the realisation that I am inarguably alone. Nobody was even trying to find me. It’s a heavy blow.

“We’re glad you’re alive,” Enzo adds with a meaningful look. “Our firm has been working on this case for over a year now. We’re hoping you will be able to help us.”

His words finally catch up to me, and I frantically look around the room, searching and finding nothing. Not even the threadbare shirt that I escaped in. How did I not notice before? She isn’t here.

“What is it? What’s wrong?” Enzo demands, reaching for his gun.

“I h-had... I’m looking…”

Tugging my long, brown hair until my eyes burn with tears, I realise how broken I am. Those endless miles of starlight and blood-stained footsteps were not travelled alone. The memories are becoming clearer with each breath I take.

“Harlow?” Enzo urges, still on high alert.

“Was I found with anything?”

Relaxing infinitesimally, he braces his elbows on his knees. “Not that I’m aware of. I can get someone to check, though, if you want. In the truck?”

Nodding, I want to thank him, but no words will come out. My throat is thick with bitter regret. I promised to myself that I’d get Laura out... the parts of her that remained anyway.

The thought of her remains being left behind to rot alone is unbearable. Tears start to stream down my cheeks, thick and fast. I can’t hold them back any longer. I’ve failed her.

“What is it?” he asks.

“I… I shouldn’t be here,” I choke out.

Enzo reaches out, his thumb stroking over my cheek to catch my tears. I flinch at his touch, expecting pain instead of comfort. He freezes, horror filling his expression.

“I’m so sorry,” Enzo rushes to apologise. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”

“You don’t scare me,” I answer quickly. “I just... I’m not used to… well, people.”

“That’s fine. I apologise again.”

We lapse into awkward silence. Enzo stares at his feet, wearing a pained frown. I can tell that he’s beating himself up. For such an imposing guy, he wears his heart fully on his sleeve.

There’s a sharp rap on the door and he moves to answer it, exchanging hushed words with whoever’s on the other side. When both men enter the room, I sit up ramrod straight.

“Easy, Harlow.” Enzo raises his hands in a placating manner as he spots my panic. “This is the co-worker I mentioned.”

Standing next to Enzo, an imposing figure drinks me in with his molten-chocolate eyes, framed by thick lashes. He’s almost as tall as Enzo, but much trimmer, his body sculpted with lean muscle instead of bulk.

Wearing a pristine charcoal suit, his long, chestnut-brown hair is tied at the nape of his neck, highlighting his trimmed beard that covers the symmetrical lines of his picture-perfect looks.

He’s very handsome, attractive in a model-like way that Enzo could never achieve with his terrifying exterior. Despite that, there’s a veneer of coldness that seems to cloak his posture.

As he comes closer, I can see a sleek panel of black metal attached to his left ear. It’s a hearing aid, partially covered by flyaway hair. There’s an old scar bisecting his eyebrow too, the only blemish on his spotless appearance.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” he greets, his voice smooth like honey. “My name is Hunter Rodriguez.”

“You too. I’m Harlow.”

“Any last name?”