Mrs Michaels stands in the gloomy shadows of the basement, watching silently. She refuses to take her eyes off her husband. He says that he’s my father, but really, he’s the monster beneath the bed.
I’ve read books I’m not supposed to about bad people before. They always pretend to be angels, but they’re the ones that hurt you most. God’s worst devils in their perfect disguise.
He invades my cell, a black belt in his hand. The smooth leather thwacks against his palm, over and over. Each strike makes me scoot backwards in the cage I’ve inhabited for what feels like weeks now.
“Why do you continue to defy me, sinner?”
“I’m not a sinner,” I argue back. “Grandma says that I’m a good girl. That’s why she gives me ice cream every day. And Mummy gave me a gold star for moving up another reading grade.”
“We’re trying to save you. Your soul will face damnation without my help. Yet, every day you’ve spent here, you continue to defy us. Your parents. Why is that?”
Wiping snot from my face, I scream at him. “I want to go home.”
“You are home. We’re your parents now.”
“No! You’re bad people.”
“The unholy always condemn those who threaten their indecent pleasures.”
Pastor Michaels loves to rant about obscure Bible verses that I don’t understand. For days, I’ve covered my ears and blocked him out. When I dared to try to escape, he hit me in the face.
I heard something crunch, and my face is hot and swollen. It hurts when I breathe now. I want my mummy to come and kiss it better.
“It’s time. Bend over, there’s a good girl.”
“No!” I shout, clutching my baggy shirt. “You can’t make me.”
He stalks towards me, grabbing my child-sized body and pinning me against the metal bars. With his spare hand, he raises the filthy t-shirt I was given to wear, exposing my bare behind. They took my pink panties a while ago.
“Count with me, sinner.”
His strength forces my back to bend. I scream as the leather connects with my butt cheeks, the buckle biting into my flesh.
“I said count!”
“He who be worthy shall rejoice in the kingdom of paradise,” Pastor Michaels chants.
“Pray for forgiveness and the Lord shall be merciful.”