Page 2 of Lie (Betrothed 8)

I pulled up my sleeve to my shoulder and revealed my flexed bicep. “Then check it out.” I pointed out the different images in black ink, knowing women got a kick out of all the demented stuff I put on my skin. She touched me every chance she got, leaning closer into me like she was already prepared to sweat on my sheets.

Balto kept drinking, staring at his glass so he wouldn’t have to watch me get frisky with Tess.

She drank my entire glass before she pouted her lips. “All gone.” She got off my lap and stood near the table. “How about I get us a few more rounds?”

I relaxed into the wooden chair. “Good idea, sweetheart.”

She turned around and headed to the bar.

I looked at my brother again. “Jealous?”

His eyes smoldered in annoyance. “That bitch has nothing on Cassini.”

I shrugged. “Maybe. But she’s easy.”

“You’re easy.”

“Is that an insult?” My eyes went to the bar to watch my piece of ass fetch us drinks, but then I noticed somebody else who looked familiar. With long brown hair, an athletic and petite figure, and rocking heels that were so high they seemed impossible to walk in, she looked just like my former prisoner.

She was with a group of other women, all similar builds, all wearing short dresses with the intention of having a good time this evening. She ordered a shot right away, downed it, and then threw her arms in the air to release a shout. “Yaaasssss!”

Shit, it was her.

Balto noticed my sudden change in mood. “What?”

“There’s a woman over there that I think I know.” I continued to watch her hang out with her crew, hog the bar, and commander the bartender’s complete focus. The woman I’d had on my lap minutes ago was standing at the bar, being ignored because she couldn’t compete with that group of women.

A few guys stood at one of the tables, dressed in suits like they’d just finished their jobs at the office before coming to the bar to wind down. One guy in particular was staring at Catalina.

She ordered a vodka cranberry and did a little dance between her girlfriends, shaking her hips from left to right like she was ready to salsa.

One of the guys approached her, a playful grin on his face, and walked right behind her. He was a decent-looking guy, but I knew Catalina could do much better. He was about to get rejected, buy her a drink that would never turn into sex.

But then he did something I didn’t expect.

He squeezed her ass.

Both of my eyebrows rose at the very stupid thing he’d just done. “He just fucked with the wrong woman…”

Balto turned in his seat to see what I was talking about.

Just as I expected, Catalina turned around and didn’t shrink down at the size of her assailant. Her eyes were filled with the flames of hell as she slowly walked forward, sizing up her opponent. He was nearly a foot taller than her.

Did she care? Nope.

One hand was on her hip, and her short blue dress was constructed of straps across her body and in various other places, leaving lots of beautiful skin to be viewed. With her long hair, bright eyes, and legs for days, she was definitely the most beautiful woman in that bar. She cleaned up pretty damn good. “Do you want to die, motherfucker?”

Stupidly, he smiled because he didn’t see her as a threat whatsoever. “I was just trying to get your attention, sweetheart.”

“Congratulations.” With the same unparalleled speed she’d shown me behind the theater, her hand moved to his crotch and she gripped one side of his sac through his slacks. “You have my full attention, asshole.” Then she squeezed.

The guy tried to cover his scream, but he couldn’t. It was unmistakable, even over the music playing from the speakers. He tried to push her wrist away to free his balls, but when he tried to push down, her fingers inched closer together. She was like a crab—the more you tried to get free, the harder she squeezed.

“I’m sorry, does this hurt?” she asked loudly so everyone could hear.

He whimpered, breathing hard through the excruciating pain. He gave a quick nod.

“My bad.” She squeezed his entire sac with all her fingers. “Did I just humiliate you in front of your friends?” Her voice was filled with sarcasm, and she destroyed his dignity right in front of everyone in the bar. “You want me to let you go and leave you alone?” She tilted her head and started to talk in a baby voice.

He nodded, seething.

“Then don’t try that shit again.” She released his balls and stepped back.

He fell backward into his two friends then kneeled over as he breathed through the pain. “Get me some fucking ice.”

I watched the episode unfold, thoroughly entertained.