Ian shot a triumphant look at Connor. Aye, Ive always thought the MacPhie tartan was one of the best.

Connor snorted, although he wondered if she liked the Buchanan plaid.

Have ye heard the good news? Ian asked. Shanna woke up and shes doing fine.

Marielle nodded. I am greatly relieved.

Me, too. Ian hesitated, shifting his weight. If it is no too forward of me, I would ask a boon from you. My wife is expecting our first child, and if ye could remember them in yer prayers, I would be eternally grateful.

When Marielle smiled, Connors breath hitched. It was the closest hed come to seeing a ray of sunshine in hundreds of years.

Thats wonderful! Congratulations. Marielle touched Ian on the shoulder. God bless you and your family.

Ian bowed his head. Thank you. If theres anything I can do for you, I would be honored. He stepped back. But I shouldna take up any more of yer time. Ye have a great deal to do tonight.

I do? she asked.

Ian looked surprised. Connor dinna tell you?

I was just about to, Connor growled. But we were interrupted.

Ians mouth twitched. Try no to be such a grouch. Shes an angel, ye ken.

Connor arched an eyebrow.

Ians eyes glittered with amusement as he turned to Brynley. Do ye need a lift back to school?

Yes. She jumped off the couch and waved at Marielle. See you tomorrow.

Yes, thank you. Marielle waved back.

Ian walked over to Brynley and wrapped an arm around her shoulders.  Twas an honor to meet you, angel. He vanished, taking Brynley with him.

Alone at last. Connor watched as Marielle shoved her long blond hair behind her shoulders. She seemed deep in thought and momentarily oblivious to him. He took advantage, letting his gaze wander slowly down her body. Her clothes, borrowed from Emma, were better suited to a slimmer, more athletic build.

The T-shirt was a sky-blue like Marielles eyes and stretched tight across her chest. Those soft, full br**sts had filled his hands to overflowing when hed fallen on top of her on the couch. Doona think about it. He shifted his gaze lower. Her jeans hugged nicely rounded hips and, as she would say, a complete set of female private parts.

Doona think about it! He lifted his gaze to her face, so lovely and angelic that surely his thoughts would become more chaste. She chewed on her bottom lip, drawing his attention to her mouth. Her words in the closet came rushing back. Im not giving you a blow job.

Bloody hell, he was pathetic. He grabbed another bottle of blood from the fridge and stuck it in the microwave. How could he lust so badly for such an innocent? He was unworthy to touch her toes, and yet he longed to take her in his arms and worship her with his mouth. He must have been out of his mind when hed told Angus at the meeting last night that he would take charge of her safety and training. The poor angel was not safe around him.

Ians wife is pregnant. She frowned, still deep in thought. Then she must be mortal?


She turned toward him. And their child will be another hybrid like Shannas children?

Aye. And there are others on the way. Jean-Luc and his wife had twins.

Do they have both human and vampire characteristics?

Connor nodded. They appear like normal children, awake during the day and eating real food. But they have other . . . gifts, like levitation, teleportation, an ability to heal.

Her eyes widened. How fascinating. I would love to meet some of these children. She sighed. But Im afraid it would be too dangerous.

Connor shrugged as he removed his bottle from the microwave. Our community is always dealing with some kind of danger.

Casimir and his Malcontents would like to destroy us all. And if the mortal world ever learned of our existence, they would want to kill us, too.

She frowned. Maybe humans would accept you once they learn youve been protecting them from the Malcontents.

He lifted his bottle. Before Roman invented this stuff, we were feeding off humans. We dinna kill them, but I canna imagine they would be pleased. Theyll see us for what we are: bloodsucking parasites. Unholy creatures of the night.

She winced. I wont have you talking that way about yourself. Youre a good, noble man. And all of your friends seem perfectly lovely.

He snorted. Yere still thinking like yere in heaven. This is Earth, and humans will believe it is their sacred duty to kill us. Thats why nothing is more important than keeping our existence a secret.

Then were in the same boat. I need my existence kept secret, too. She sighed. Until I can get back to heaven. If I can get back.

Ye will get back. Well make sure of it.

Her eyes softened and the tips of her mouth curled up. Thank you.

His heart squeezed in his chest. Bugger, how would he survive being alone with her? He gulped down some blood, then headed toward the couch. We need to talk.

He took a seat and set his bottle on the coffee table, noting the shotgun and sword that Brynley had left nearby. What would happen if Marielle touched the shotgun? He didnt want to find out, so he quickly removed the shells.

She sat at the other end of the couch.

He stashed the empty shotgun under the coffee table. You should stay away from weapons you doona know how to use.

That wont be problem. She turned sideways on the couch to face him, curling her bare feet beneath her. I dont want anything to do with them.

Hed suspected she would feel this way. Hed even told Angus that, but it had only led to another argument. Whereas they both agreed that she needed to be kept safe, they had disagreed on how to go about it.

He set the shells on the table and picked up his bottle. As soon as we find Casimir, well try to defeat him in battle. And since yell be helping us locate him, ye could find yerself in the middle of a verra dangerous situation.

I understand.

He sipped from his bottle. Angus wanted me to train you in self-defense. I . . . said no.

He heard her quick intake of air, so he turned toward her. Doona misunderstand. I do want you to be safe and protected. But I doona want you arriving at a battle scene with a sword in yer hand. The Malcontents have had years, some of them centuries, for their training. A few nights of training would no be enough. Twould be suicidal for ye to engage in battle.

She grimaced. I dont think I could, even if you wanted me to.

He swallowed down more blood. Yere putting yerself at great risk in order to help us. Can I ask why?

I think the world would be a much safer place without Casimir and his evil companions. She sighed. But I cant pretend that Im doing this only to protect humans. Im hoping Ill be able to prove my worthiness, so the Archangels will let me back into heaven.

I see. It seemed like a good plan, but he needed to keep her alive till she could accomplish her ultimate goal. What do ye usually do if yere in danger?

Im not usually in danger. She turned her head to gaze out the window. Before I could always fly away.

What about the way ye knocked me down with a blast of air?

Her gaze remained on the window, and her eyes glistened with unshed tears. Im only allowed to do that in a case of extreme emergency.

Staying alive counts as an emergency.

She looked at him and blinked away her tears. Youre right. I used it to try to stop Zackriel. And again when I thought Darafer would kill you.

So ye can control air?

All angels can control the elements to a certain degree. And some are more skilled than others. For instance, water. I can make it boil or freeze. I can even make it rain. Some angels can cause the current in a river to flow backwards or

They can part the Red Sea?

She nodded with the hint of a smile. Yes. Although something that big requires prior approval and a large coordinated effort. We dont do that sort of thing very often since it tends to get noticed.

He snorted. And fire? Can ye control that?

She shrugged. A little. You should see the God Warriors. Theyre magnificent. They can wield huge swords of fire and drive chariots of fire.

They did sound impressive. Are they likely to help you if yere in danger?

II dont know. Her shoulders slumped. They would have before.

The lightning I saw in the woodsthat was Zackriel manipulating fire?

She made a face. Hes very talented at throwing fireballs.

He was throwing them at you! I saw the burn marks on yer back.

She rubbed her forehead. He was trying to cut my wings off. I refused to stand still, so thats how I ended up burned

Doona make excuses for him, Connor growled. If I ever get my hands on him, hell rue the day he was born . . . or created . . . or hatched from a damned egg, I doona know. I only know hes a bastard.

Her mouth twitched.

Tis no amusing.

She smiled. I cant help it. Theres something very appealing about you when you get all fierce and gruff.