She swallowed hard. I want to assure you that I mean no harm to anyone. I believe my powers will fade over time, but for now, I will be very careful not to touch any humans.

Thank you. Father Andrew smiled. But to be perfectly honest, its going to be difficult to know if your power fades away. No mortal is likely to volunteer to test it.

She nodded.

So how old are you? Gregori asked.

Robby grunted. No wonder you doona have a girlfriend.

She smiled. Its hard to say. We dont view time the same way as you. My full name is Marielle Quadriduum. I was created, along with thousands of other angels, on the Fourth Day.

Damn, Gregori muttered. Youre like . . . ancient. He winced when Connor cuffed him on the back of the head. Well, she is. And I thought you were old.

Connor arched a brow at him.

The Fourth Day, Father Andrew murmured. The same day God created the sun and moon.

Yes. And millions of other suns and moons. She sighed. I was assigned to supervise a solar system.

Wow! Gregori grinned. You were like Empress of the Galaxy. Cool.

She gave him a dubious look. There were only three planets.

Gregori leaned forward. And one of them had intelligent life?

Aye, Connor muttered, but ye wouldna recognize it.

Gregori shot him an annoyed look while Robby chuckled.

Father Andrew shook his head. Please continue, my dear.

She leaned back in the rocker. Each of my planets consisted of a huge, frozen rock surrounded by a thick atmosphere of methane gas.

Bummer! Gregori looked offended on her behalf. Out of all the planets in the universe, you got stuck with some duds.

She laughed. I hate to tell you this, but most of them are duds. Or they appear to be. Many of them still serve an important purpose.

Like Jupiter attracting meteors to protect the Earth? Connor asked quietly.

She nodded, smiling. Yes. Leave it to Connor to know about planets that served as protectors.

Gregori glanced over his shoulder at Connor. You know about astronomy?

He scowled back. Ive been looking at the night sky for almost five hundred years. Why would I no learn about it?

By the Sixth Day, I was so bored, I asked for a transfer, she continued. The Father had created mankind and all sorts of animals on Earth, and He was exceedingly pleased. In fact, we were all fascinated, and the Father wanted to protect His new creations, so many angels were reassigned. Some became Guardians and God Warriors. Others became Healers and Deliverers.

Like you? Robby asked.

She frowned. I was originally a Healer. Buniel was my supervisor, and we became close friends. I loved healing.

What happened? Gregori asked.

I . . . disobeyed. The first time, it was in Eastern Europe, toward the end of what the humans call the medieval period. I was reprimanded, and I managed to behave myself for several of your centuries. But the second time I disobeyed She shuddered. It was really bad.

You neednt tell us if you dont want to, Father Andrew said quietly.

She didnt like talking about it, but when she looked at Connor, she felt a sudden urge to confess. She wanted him to know. I was told to heal a woman in a hospital in Missouri. I did, but as I was leaving, I heard the desperate prayers of another woman, who was crying over a dying child. The little boy was only a year old, and I couldnt understand why he wasnt on my list. The woman and child were in so much pain, I couldnt bear it, so I touched her to give her comfort, and then I touched the boy. When Zackriel arrived to deliver the boy, he was furious that I had healed him. He wanted to take the boy but received orders not to interfere. I would have to watch the result of my wrongdoing.

What could be wrong with saving a young child? Connor asked.

She winced. The mother came to believe that her son was special, incapable of being harmed, and therefore, superior to all others. She raised him with that belief, and he . . . he became warped.

What did he do? Father Andrew asked.

Her throat constricted, but she forced the words out. He murdered. Over and over. And he enjoyed it. She closed her eyes. It was my fault. I should have let him die.

Ye had no way of knowing, Connor said.

She opened her eyes to see the compassion on Connors face. He wasnt judging her, and that touched her heart. It was still wrong of me. I should have trusted in the Fathers wisdom.

I guess faith is hard for all of us, Father Andrew said with tears in his eyes.

She nodded. My healing powers were stripped, and I was made into a Deliverer. My punishment was to deliver all the women who were raped and murdered by the monster I had allowed to live.

He killed women? Robby asked, his face pale. What was his name?

Otis Crump.

All four men flinched.

Bloody hell! Robby jumped to his feet.

Marielle stiffened at the furious look Robby shot at her before he stalked away. Her mind raced, seeking an explanation for their reaction. Otis had been human all the years she had delivered his victims. Shed been so relieved when hed finally been imprisoned that shed immediately put in a request to become a Healer once again. While her request was being considered, shed been assigned to delivering the elderly. She hadnt found the work objectionable until tonight when Zackriel had told her to deliver the children who had been attacked by Cheaters.

The order had infuriated her. It was the Cheaters who should be delivered, not the innocent children.

Ive heard enough, Robby growled as he paced around the dinette set. Angus will have my report. We will have nothing to do with her.

Connor strode toward him. Wait

Nay! Robby glared at Marielle. She may have killed Shanna, and she came damned close to killing my wife!

Marielle gasped.

Father Andrew and Gregori stood, so she rose to her feet, also. Her heart pounded as she tried to understand what was happening.

This proves how dangerous she is to us, Robby announced.

Nay, Connor protested. It proves how important she is. Her fate has already been linked to ours.

I have to agree with Connor, Father Andrew added, then turned to Marielle. Robbys wife, Olivia, worked for the FBI. She was the one who put Otis Crump in jail.

Marielles skin pebbled with goose bumps.

Aye, but the bastard still tormented her for years! Robby yelled. And then Casimir teleported him out of prison and transformed him. He nearly killed Olivia!

Marielle stumbled back and knocked against the rocking chair. II didnt know.

Yere a bloody angel. Yere supposed to know everything! Robby shouted.

She shook her head. I dont. Humans, even vampires, have free will. I cant predict what theyll do.

Ye can predict I want nothing to do with you, Robby growled. And Im telling Angus to do the same.

Then yere a fool, Connor said quietly.

Robby spun to face him, his face darkening. His hands curled into fists. Ye care to repeat that, Connor?

Enough! Father Andrew strode toward them. Robby, your wife is all right, and Otis Crump is dead. Marielle had nothing to do with him being transformed.

Robby shot an angry look at her. She was supposed to let him die.

Aye, she disobeyed, Connor said. And she was punished for it.

Marielles vision blurred as tears threatened to fall. I am aware that my mistakes have caused others to suffer. I am truly sorry. Her gaze met Connors, and the fierce determination in his eyes gave her comfort.

Robby, Gregori began. He ran a hand through his thick hair. Dude, we cant just . . . drop her. What would happen to her?

Robby folded his arms across his chest, scowling.

She can sense death, Connor announced.

Robby glowered at him.

The next time Casimir and his minions feed and the victims start dying, Marielle will know, Connor explained before glancing at her. Ye know exactly where death is happening, aye?

She nodded.

Wow, Gregori whispered.

Weve always followed Casimirs trail of dead bodies, Connor continued. But then we arrive after the fact, after Casimir and his minions have escaped. Imagine how it will be if we can arrive while theyre still feeding and we catch them by surprise?

Robbys eyes lit up. I could finally kill Casimir.

Marielles heart expanded in her chest. This was itthe noble mission she needed to accomplish so she could return to heaven. It was perfect! All those arguments with Zackriel where shed insisted that the evil vampires be stoppedshe could now use her powers to make it happen.

Connor looked at her, his eyes gleaming. We need her. Shes our secret weapon.

I agree that Marielle was sent to us for a purpose, Father Andrew said. He turned to her with a worried frown. But we must be upfront with you, my dear. Battling Casimir is dangerous. Are you willing to help us?

She nodded. Yes. I am. Her gaze drifted back to Connor, and her heart filled with joy. The Heavenly Father had not abandoned her. Hed sent Connor to rescue her and protect her. But more than thatConnor and his friends were presenting her with a wonderful opportunity to make the world a safer place and, by doing so, prove she was worthy to return to heaven.