This? She lightly touched the lever, and the toilet flushed. She jumped back, then laughed. Look at that! Humans are so clever.

He blinked. He could have sworn she hadnt pushed the lever. He motioned to the sink. Then ye wash yer hands.

She touched the faucet and water gushed out. Brilliant! With a grin, she dangled her fingers in the water.

She hadnt turned the knob. Connor backed out of the room, stunned. Ill leave you alone, then.

He closed the door and could hear her humming inside, happy with her new toys. The toilet flushed again.

Holy Christ Almighty! What would happen if she accidentally touched a gun or a crossbow? Angus might decide she was indeed a threat.

He grabbed another bottle of blood from the refrigerator and warmed it up in the microwave. He needed to keep up his strength with Marielle around. He never knew what to expect next. How could an angel of death cause things to work? Was there something magical about her touch? Hed certainly enjoyed it whenever she touched him.

He heard another flush, then the sound of water. He retrieved his bottle from the microwave. No matter what, he had to hold to his decision. No kissing. No hugging. He wouldnt even think about sex. Or how wonderfully well her plump br**sts had filled his hands.

He glanced ruefully at his bottle of synthetic blood. What he really needed was some Blissky. The added whisky might numb his desire.

The bathroom door creaked open, and he remained by the sink, purposely not looking at her.

I believe I did it correctly, she announced proudly.

Thats good. He guzzled down some blood. Doona think about making love.

And I discovered something amazing. I have an entire set of female private parts.

He spewed blood into the sink.

Connor! She rushed up to him and placed a hand on his back. Are you all right?

God help him, she was going to drive him to despair. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. Lass, ye canna say whatever pops into yer mind. There are things we doona talk about.

What sort of things?

Personal things. Like an entire set of female private parts. How could he possibly keep that out of his mind?

Im accustomed to sharing all my thoughts with the Heavenly Host, and they with me.

Well, humans doona share everything. We like to keep some things . . . private. Female private parts. Doona think about it!

She frowned. Like the dark secrets you keep hidden in your heart?

His mouth thinned. That and other things.

She shook her head. Im not sure keeping secrets is a healthy way to live.

Tis the way we are. My friends will be here soon. He changed the subject and rummaged through some kitchen drawers till he found something he could use. We need to make you more presentable. Lift yer right arm.

She did, and he used a chip clip to fasten the loose sides of the sheet together at her hip. There, that would keep the other guys from seeing more of Marielle than he wanted. Like her entire set of female private parts.

Mine. Finders keepers. But could he really claim Marielle for himself? She didnt want him; she wanted to go back to heaven where it was all beautiful music and perfect angels sharing lovely thoughts. No secrets and sinful creatures like himself.

Three forms wavered close to the couch, then solidified.

He took a deep breath. We have company.

Chapter Eight

This is Robby MacKay. Connor introduced Anguss great-grandson, who strode toward them, carrying a tote bag. Robby, this is Marielle.

How do ye do? Robby set the bag on the kitchen counter. We brought you some clothes.

Thank you. She smiled and extended a hand. So youre a vampire, too?

Aye. Robby eyed her hand. I hear yere an angel of death.

She willna harm you, Connor muttered.

Robby gave her a quick handshake, then slapped Connor on the shoulder. What happened to yer claymore?

Tis on top of Mount Rushmore. Ill fetch it later. He noticed Marielle was studying her hand with a perplexed look.

Wow! Gregori approached her, smiling. You are such a babe!

She glanced over her shoulder.

In spite of an overwhelming urge to throw the nearest object at the womanizing Vamp, Connors chest filled with warmth. Marielle had no idea how beautiful she was. He leaned over and whispered, The idiot is referring to you.

I heard that, Gregori muttered.

But I have never been a babe, Marielle protested. I was created as I am, though in a spiritual form. This body is new to me.

Gregori looked her over, his eyes gleaming. Well, if you need any help getting acquainted with it, just let me know.

Show some respect, ye bloody pig. Connor glanced at the kitchen counter to see what he could throw. The toaster, perhaps?

Hey, if shes any indication of whats waiting for us in heavenGregori motioned to herthen kill me now.

She shook her head. Oh no! I have no wish to harm you.

Connor leaned close to her. Doona let him upset you. Hes operating under the false perception that hes somehow charming.

Robby chuckled.

Gregori snorted. At least Im not an old grouch. He turned to Marielle and winked. Great outfit. The toga look really suits you.

She glanced down at the sheet. Thank you. Connor fixed it for me.

Oh, really? Gregoris mouth twitched. I didnt know he was so . . . handy.

Sod off, Connor grumbled. The toaster wouldnt do. Maybe the big wooden chopping block.

I am delighted to meet you, my beautiful angel. Gregori took her hand and kissed it, his mouth lingering on her skin.

Connor gritted his teeth. The chopping block wouldnt do. Maybe the meat cleaver.

Pleased to meet you. She retrieved her hand from Gregoris grasp. Her brow furrowed once again with a perplexed look.

Connor picked up a black rubber coaster. Why are ye here, Gregori?

My mother insisted, so I could give her a full report. He gave Marielle an apologetic look. She really wanted to come herself. Shes dying to meet you, but Roman was afraid there might be some real dying after what happened to Hey! He narrowly dodged the coaster that zipped past his ear and bounced off the wall behind him. What the hell was that?

Connor arched an eyebrow as he reached for a second coaster.

Why are you throwing things? Marielle asked.

He shrugged. Target practice.

Robbys eyes narrowed. Does she no know?

Theres nothing to know. Connor dropped the coaster and led her toward the fireplace where the third person was waiting. The priest had remained silent since their arrival, gazing at the angel with a look of awe and reverence.

Id like you to meet Father Andrew, Connor said.

Marielle smiled. God bless you, dear soul.

The priest pressed a hand to his chest while his eyes glimmered with tears. I cannot begin to tell you what a joy and honor this is. So many years of relying on faith, struggling with my faith, and here you areproof that I have not believed in vain,that all the words I have spoken over the years are true.

Her eyes shimmered with moisture. Son of Man, your Father loves you dearly. She reached out to touch him.

Connor seized her wrist and guided her back to the rocking chair. Would ye care to sit down?

The priest hadnt noticed Connors interference. He was busy retrieving a cotton handkerchief from his coat pocket, then wiping the tears from his face.

But Marielle noticed, and she whispered, What is going on, Connor?

He opened his mouth to say nothing, but found it hard to lie straight to her angelic face.

She needs to know. Robby moved close to the priest.

Nay. Shes been through enough tonight. Connor wrapped a protective arm around her shoulders and pulled her close. I willna have you upsetting her.

Robbys eyebrows rose. Father Andrew froze with his handkerchief half tucked into his pocket. And Gregori, blast him, actually grinned.

Connor felt warmth flooding his face, but he kept his arm around her. Shes been through hell tonightbanished from her home, attacked, her back burned and her wings ripped off. She was left in the dirt wounded and bleeding. And she was threatened by a demon

A demon! Father Andrews face grew pale. Oh dear God. Are you all right?

Yes, she replied softly. But Im afraid theres something youre not telling me.

When the priest nodded, Connor groaned and lowered his arm. Hadnt she been through enough tonight?

I would consider it a great honor to be touched by an angel, Father Andrew explained. But my friends are concerned that your touch could harm me.

Oh. Is that all? She exhaled wearily. You need not fear. I have lost most of my angelic gifts. I can no longer fly or communicate with the Heavenly Host. And my touch no longer kills. I have been touching Connor all evening with no effect whatsoever.

Gregori snorted. Right. No effect at all.

Connor scowled at him. She would never knowingly harm anyone.