Page 58 of Lock Me Inside

I do as he says, totally detached now, forcing myself through the motions of bobbing up and down, swallowing back my saliva, doing everything I can to ignore the grunts and groans and the way James mutters his approval while he watches.

I don’t know how long it takes, going back and forth between them, letting them use me. I only know it’s a relief when Colt clamps down on the back of my head and starts jerking his hips, fucking my face—not brutally, but forcefully enough that tears roll down my cheeks. I brace myself for what I know is going to come, and it’s almost a mercy when it does, when he explodes and shoots his load down my throat. I swallow it as fast as I can, struggling to keep up but managing to catch it all before he slides out of my mouth with a sigh.

“Good, very good,” James whispers, breathing fast. “Finish Nix. Make him come like a good little girl.”

Nix wastes no time thrusting into my mouth. I want to pull back. I want to push away from him but can’t with my hands behind me. All I can do is try to brace myself on my knees while he takes me hard and fast, fucking my face with no consideration, no care about anything but his satisfaction. All I can do is fight to hold on, fight to keep from choking on him as he hits the back of my throat again and again.

James’s strained breathing fills the room. “That’s right. Fuck her face. Make her feel it.” Tears roll down my cheeks, and a strangled sob stirs in my throat, but he seems to like that, too, groaning louder than before.

“You ready for me?” Nix pants, and I barely have time to register the question before he shoves me down hard, grinding my nose against his base and cutting off my air an instant before filling my mouth and throat with cum. There’s so much going on at once that I can barely keep track—I can’t breathe. I’m choking. I’m gagging. I’m going to throw up. He won’t let me breathe! My muffled, panicked groans make James breathe harder than ever, and I can hear him grunting in the final moments before he comes, too, with a growl that echoes in my ears, even over the sound of my pounding heart.

It’s a relief when Nix lets me up for air. I’m still choking and gasping, but I did it. I made it through. And now it’s over, thank god. And I want more than anything to stand in the shower for the rest of the day, even though I know it will do nothing to erase the filth all over me.

James groans before chuckling, patting me on the head like an obedient dog. “Good girl. You made Daddy very happy.”

Without saying another word, James stands, whistling softly as he walks up the stairs. I slump a little, my head hanging low, my shoulders heaving as I fight to regain my breath. I barely register the guys getting up and walking around me. One of them releases my wrists before running their fingers over the tender skin where the belt cut into it. I don’t know which one because I don’t want to turn around. I don’t want confirmation that we just shared this experience.

We stay this way for a moment, silent until finally, I whisper, “Let me go. Please. Let me walk out of here. I will never come back. I swear I won’t tell anybody about this because I just want to forget it. You can’t force me to stay here and do this. You want to be rid of me? Here’s your chance. Let me go.”

When they don’t shoot me down right away, a glimmer of hope sparkles in my chest. Maybe they’ll actually listen. Maybe they’ll actually give me what I’m asking for.

Who am I kidding?

“It’s too late for that now,” Colt informs me in a flat voice. “This will be easier if you do what we want.”

“You’re not going anywhere,” Nix confirms.

How can they do this? How can they stand here on either side of me and say this without even sounding sorry? There’s nothing normal about any of this, not a single thing, but the way they make it sound, it’s inevitable. Like it was always going to be this way, and I’m only finding out about it now. Is this how it always is around here? What the hell has my mother got me into? And would she even believe me if I tried to tell her?

My heart aches when I consider that question, mostly because I already know the answer. Unless she were to see it with her own eyes, she would never believe this because she wouldn’t want to. Who would? No, this is it. This is my life now, and I have no say over it at all. All I will ever be able to do is dread the next time it happens and hope I can get through it. That’s all. That’s as much as I can look forward to now.