Page 55 of Lock Me Inside

“I didn’t know there was a movie room,” I whisper, looking at the guys for understanding and getting nothing.

James throws his hands in the air. “See? That’s what I mean. I spent all that money getting things put together, and we hardly ever use it. That ends today. I declare this Family Day.” He gestures to his sons, waving a hand back and forth between them. “Pop some popcorn. Grab some drinks. I would love chips and dip if we have any.”

Then he turns to me. “Come on. Let me show you the room. It’s down in the basement.” I wasn’t even aware the house had a basement. How much don’t I know yet? How much is he going to show me?

“I can help the guys with the snacks,” I offer, once again looking at the guys. Yes, I don’t like or trust either of them, but I’d rather be with them than alone with James. Colt actually looks like he is about to agree with me, but James is on top of it.

“No.” His voice is stern, leaving no room for an argument. He only says one word, two letters, yet the tone of his voice and an evil glint in his eyes make the threat very clear. If I don’t come, things will be worse.

I don’t want to go, but I don’t feel like I have a choice. Either I follow him and keep him happy or things get really bad. I don’t ever want to go through that again.

He steps up to the wall running beneath the staircase and presses a hand against it, seemingly at random. Like magic, a door springs open. I had no idea it was there. It blends into the wall that well. He makes a grand sweeping gesture with his arm, so I step through the door and walk down the stairs.

“You know, Leni, I was hoping the two of us could have a minute alone together. I’ve done a lot of thinking about the way we left things.”

We? The way we left things? So it was my fault? I almost stumble but quickly regain my balance.

“I’m sorry for losing my cool before I left for the honeymoon.”

My hand tightens around the banister mounted to the wall as the memories come rushing back. He’s even wearing the same cologne. It’s amazing the things a person remembers.

“I didn’t mean to scare you. You just took me by surprise, and I panicked a little. That’s not going to happen again. I promise.”

We reach the bottom of the stairs, and I offer a tight smile because what else can I do. Tell him I know he’s full of shit? Because he is. You can’t get more textbook than that. I didn’t mean it. It will never happen again. I don’t have many years under my belt, but even I know enough to see straight through him. A person doesn’t act that way out of nowhere, and it certainly wasn’t the first time he’s ever hurt a woman. I would bet my life on it.

Unfortunately, I’m afraid that’s exactly what’s at stake here.

We’re standing in a fully finished basement, and even with my growing dread threatening to choke me, I can’t help but be impressed with the setup. “I had no idea this was here,” I murmur, looking around, pretending to study everything when really, all I want to do is keep from looking at him. Unfortunately, it doesn’t mean I can avoid the weight of his stare. He watches my every move, and I can’t help but wish I had escaped only a few minutes sooner. I could have gotten away before he reached home.

One thing is for sure: he spent a lot of money down here. Large couches are arranged in a U-shape with reclining seats and cup holders between them like in a movie theater. If this were any other situation, I might even look forward to curling up on one of them under a blanket to watch a favorite movie on the enormous TV that spans most of the wall. Speakers are set up in the corners by the ceiling. “You could charge money to show movies down here,” I offer with a faint smile.

“You’re probably right. Now, we can enjoy it as a family, the way it was always intended.” He fiddles with the Blu-ray player in a cabinet under the TV. What am I going to do here? I guess there’s no choice but to sit and watch the movie, keep to myself as much as I can, and pray it’s over soon. Just being in the same room with him brings back all those terrible, panicky feelings, the fear, the certainty that I was about to die. My chest is so tight it takes a conscious effort to breathe. Am I going to have to spend the next hour and a half like this?