Page 32 of Lock Me Inside

Only there’s a problem, a big one that reveals itself as soon as the blankets are off. Why am I naked?

I yank the covers up around my neck, eyes bulging, my heart taking off at a sickening pace. Why am I naked? Wait. How did I get to bed, to begin with? Why can’t I remember?

Why can’t I…

Oh. No.

I don’t want to do this because I don’t want the confirmation. I reach down between my legs and confirm how sore I am. What happened last night wasn’t a dream.

I had sex with Colt. Or rather, he had sex with me while I was too out of it to know the difference between reality and something my drugged-up brain had concocted.

And now I’m going to throw up.

Once the wave of panic-induced nausea passes, rage quickly takes its place. He knew I wasn’t in my right mind. That was the whole reason I had to come home in the first place. I was totally out of it, but he had sex with me anyway.

Headache forgotten, I jump out of bed and hurry through getting dressed before marching down the hall. I’m going to kill him for this. After everything he’s done to me, this is the worst. How could he take advantage like that? How could he use me?

Unfortunately for him, he’s in his room with the door cracked, sitting at his desk with his back to me. I wish it was as easy as sneaking up on him from behind and, I don’t know, plunging a knife into his back or his neck or something like that. But then again, no, I wouldn’t want it to be quick. I’d want it to be slow, and I would want him to know it was me.

Turns out, he already knows that. “Are you going to come in all the way, or are you going to stand there and watch me like a stalker?”

The smug prick. How dare he even have the nerve to speak to me? I fling the door open and storm across the room, folding my arms when coming to a stop beside his chair. “How could you?”

He swings around in his chair, and I see he’s wearing an easy smile. “How could I what?”

“How could you fucking rape me last night? Don’t act like you don’t know what I’m talking about.”

His eyes widen in a mockery of surprise. “Rape you? Is that what I did?” He even touches a hand to his chest like he’s shocked.

“Well, I wasn’t in any position to say no. I didn’t even know what the hell was going on. I thought I was dreaming!”

“It must’ve been a pretty nice dream. You sure seemed to enjoy it when you creamed all over my cock.”

I had an orgasm? Yes, now that I think about it, I remember coming. A thousand showers couldn’t wash off the filth I feel all over me. The way he’s looking at me doesn’t help. The way he smirks, like now we have a secret between us, one he finds extremely funny. “You’re sick.”

“And you begged for it.”

“What? I could barely speak. I couldn’t even string two or three words together.”

“Let’s go to the recording, shall we? It might clear up a few things for you.”

“You have a recording?” This is getting worse by the second. “A video?”

“No, I’m sorry to say because I would’ve liked to watch that. But the sounds are enough to help me remember the magic.” He takes out his phone and pulls something up, then places the device on the desk before hitting play.

Suddenly, the room is full of the sound of soft but rapid breathing. “Colt…” It’s a moan, and it’s coming from me. I know the sound of my own voice. A humiliated flush creeps up my neck and floods my face. “Yes… please.”

“Does that sound like I forced you?” he asks, lifting an eyebrow. “Because, to me, that sounds like a girl who’s about to come.”

“Stop it,” I whisper, my skin crawling as the sound of my moans grows louder.

“Oh, Colt, yes… yes, so good…”

Colt rubs a palm over his crotch. “I’m starting to get a little hard just listening to it.” He smiles triumphantly before stopping the recording. The silence that replaces it is somehow more chilling.

“Like I said, you know I didn’t know what was happening. You saw the condition I was in. I was half unconscious most of the time.”

“Not when it counted, or do you want to listen again to be sure?”

“I’m going to go to the police.”

He sits back, looking me up and down, narrowing his eyes. “You think so?”

“I know so. I don’t need to be screaming the word ‘no’ for it to be rape. I’m sure there are still traces of narcotics in my blood, and anybody at the party last night would have seen me drinking champagne. I even left because I wasn’t feeling well.”