I’m no expert, but there’s no way that’s happening.

“Let me think,” Chance murmurs.

We watch the guards for a couple of minutes, Raze keeps an eye on our surroundings.

One of the guards' radios makes a crackling sound, and we hear a bored voice saying, “Check in, Izak.”

We see how the guard presses a button. “Everything’s quiet.”

Chance leans closer to us, whispering. “Let’s disable them and take the radio. I can answer if they check in with the guards.”


“Wait here with Rachel while Raze and I take care of the men.”

I frown at Chance, not liking the order at all. I’m on high alert as I watch Chance and Raze sneak closer.

When they’re within attacking distance, Chance shoots forward and wraps an arm around the guard’s neck, dragging him into the shadows.

Raze climbs the other guard like a tree and wraps her legs around his neck. With a twist of her body, she breaks his neck.

Oh wow. I seriously need to learn how to do that.

Mom and I rush forward to help Raze drag the guard behind one of the trash bins.

We take his radio, and meeting Chance by the wall we’re going to climb, I hand him the device. He tucks both radios behind his back, the waistband of his pants keeping them in place.

“You all ready to climb?” he asks.

I nod, even though I’m nervous as hell. I’ve never climbed the grid without the support of the harness and ropes.

Whatever you do, don’t fall.

I stare up at the brick wall. The grooves are clearly visible, so I don’t have to search for them. It’s also evenly spread out and seems to be much easier to climb. Or, at least, I hope so.

It’s the height that will be the problem.

Just don’t look down.

If they can do it, so can you.

And honestly, it’s better than crawling through the sewage tunnel. That shit will make you claustrophobic. Never mind the smell.

“Ready?” Chance asks as he finds grooves to hoist his body up the wall.

As ready as I’ll ever be. Here goes nothing.

Chapter 19


Holy shit.

Don’t look down.

For the love of all that’s good, do not look down.

I try to keep my grunts as soft as possible as I stretch and cling at a snail’s pace, working my way up the wall.

This is so not the same as the grid.

I try to keep my breathing under control while my heart beats a mile a minute.

Chance reaches the roof first, followed by Raze and then my mother.

I still have a quarter of the way to go. I slip a little and stop thinking about the others, focusing on not falling.

One inch at a time. You’ve got this.

With all my attention on climbing, I startle when Chance grabs hold of my hand. I’m yanked up and onto the roof before it even registers that he’s helping me.

I don’t get time to thank him, because he’s already jogging to a door that’s situated in the middle of the roof. I wipe my hands on my pants to get rid of the sweat and follow after him.

I watch as Chance does something to the lock with two pins, and when the door clicks open, I frown. “It looked way too easy to open the door. Shouldn’t there be more locks?”

Chance’s eyes meet mine. “They’re arrogant and don’t expect an attack.”

True. In all my years living in the ecocity, there were never any break-ins to buildings and houses. At least, none that I know of.

Pulling his gun from behind his back, Chance steps inside first. I do the same, getting my weapon ready in my hand.

Just as the door shuts behind us, one of the radios crackles. “Check in, Izak.”

Chance takes hold of the radio, clears his throat, and says, “Everything’s quiet.”

When he puts the radio back, I ask, “How will we know if it worked?”

“We won’t hear any alarms go off,” Mom answers.

Slowly, we make our way down the stairs, on high alert for any movement. When we reach a hallway that seems to go on forever, Chance says, “Try not to fire your weapons. If you can disable a person with hand-to-hand combat, then do so.”

Quickly, we rush down the hallway, sticking close to the wall. We reach a doorway, and Chance opens it. “Come!”

We all bundle inside what looks like a janitor’s closet.

“Perfect.” Chance picks up a pair of overalls and puts them on. He grabs a mop and bucket, then looks at us, “Let me go ahead. If the coast is clear, I’ll come back for you.”

“And if you don’t come back?” I ask, not liking this idea at all. We should stick together.

“Then complete the mission.”

Before I can argue, Chance is out the door, pretending to mop the floor as he surveys the rest of the hallway. I keep the door open an inch so I can see him.