I let out a nervous chuckle. “He has to catch me first.”

We jump over the railing onto the road and start sprinting toward the first broken-down car.

Buildings rise dark and gloomy into the early evening, making me worry whether this is really such an insane plan.

I shove the doubt deep down and square my shoulders.

I have to try.

Chapter 15


I watch Kenzo scale up a concrete pillar separating the two highways. We’re on a lower street, trying to climb to the overpass above us. The highway we’re currently on has a huge gaping hole, stopping us from going farther. A river winds long and broad beneath us, the sound of rushing water scary as hell.w

“Is that the same river that runs past the main ward and through the ecocity?” I ask.

“Yeah, it’s one way of getting into the ecocity.”

I glance at the dark water rushing beneath us. “Yeah, I’ll pass. I can’t swim.”

“Then we’re doing this the long way.” Kenzo strains as he carefully maneuvers from one concrete pillar to another. “Come on, kid. You can do this.”

Sucking in a deep breath, I exhale slowly while I wipe my sweaty palms on my pants.

If Kenzo can do it, so can I.

I stand on the railing with my heart in my throat. If I fall, I’ll probably die of a heart attack before I even reach the river below.

“Come on, kid,” Kenzo says again.

He’s higher up than me, holding onto a piece of metal on the side of the pillar.

There are thin grooves etched into the concrete that I can use to climb. Much like the grid I’ve practiced on. Only there’s no rope keeping me from falling this time.

I inch away from the railing and reach for the pillar. Grabbing onto it, my body slams into it, and I hold on for dear life.

My heart beats hard against the cold slab. I glance down, and time warps along with my vision.

Shit. It’s high.

I slip, and I start to slide down. Panicking, I struggle to find a groove I can hold onto, but it feels like they’re all gone.

“Kenzo!” I gasp, my chest tightening with fear.

The bag of weapons on my back suddenly weighs a ton, dragging me farther down.

“I can’t hold on!”

I look wildly at Kenzo, and he tries to reach down to me.

“I can’t swim,” I breathe to remind him just as I lose the last of my hold.

It’s not like before when I got pushed into the pool. This time I hit the water so hard, it knocks the air from my lungs.

The river roars and yanks at my body before it swallows me whole. With the bag of guns dragging me under, I sink faster this time. I try to kick at the water, my arms paddling wildly.

Something black comes at me, and I only know it’s Kenzo when his arm wraps around me. I grab onto his shoulders, and kick my legs, trying to help so we can reach the surface.

It takes too long before the water breaks over our heads. I gasp lungfuls of air just before a wave of water hits my face.

“Get onto my back and hold on tight,” Kenzo orders, his voice strained.

Using my legs, I wrap one around him and maneuver my body behind his. I place my arms around his neck and cling for dear life, my face pressed against the side of his.

“Thank you,” I sputter, my teeth clattering.

“No problem,” he breathes. “You could’ve just told me…” he pauses to take a breath, and I can feel his body straining as he swims, “…you wanted to take the river.” Water splashes all around us, and for a moment, we focus on trying to get air into our lungs. Once we reach a calmer part of the river, Kenzo says, “We didn’t have to jump off the bridge.”

“Ha-ha.” I press my lips to his cheek and kiss him. Twice.

We swim for a minute. Well, Kenzo swims while I cling to him for dear life.

He’s breathless as he says, “I’m dating your mother.”

As the shock of his words hit, water splashes in my face. I cough from swallowing some. “You’re what?”

“Your mother and I are in a relationship,” he says, his words strained from the effort it’s taking to keep us above water.

“Now’s not the time to tell me this,” I snap.

“You can’t run and have to listen. It’s the perfect time.”

“I can strangle you,” I warn.

“I go down, you go down with me,” he jokes.

At least, I hope he’s joking.

I try to gather my thoughts. I like Kenzo. He’s a good friend. But never in a million years did I picture him with my mother. Not only because she’s married to my dad but because she’s become such a cold person.

“What about my dad?” I ask the obvious question.

“It’s not like they’re still married, kid. It’s been two years of no contact between them. I just wanted you to know.”