He pushes his arm beneath my head and turns me to face him. Pressing a kiss to my forehead, he holds still for a moment.

“How are you holding up?” he whispers.

“I’m still alive.” That’s the only answer I can give. Wanting to add something positive, I say, “I’m glad our friends are here.”

“Hmm…” he mumbles, sounding exhausted.

Lifting my hand to his cheek, I brush my fingers over his jaw. “Sleep.”

“Love you,” he breathes before dozing off.

“I love you too,” I say, watching as his features relax.

The plan that started forming about me going to the ecocity to get Dad and kill the emissaries churns in my head.

I stare at Chance, knowing he’ll be upset with me. There’s a possibility he won’t forgive me.

But if I can save thousands of lives, it will be worth it. Right?

Maybe I’m just being stupid, but if I can make a difference, I have to at least try.

Looking at Chance one last time, I whisper, “Forgive me.” I press a soft kiss to his lips, then inch away, careful not to wake him.

With a chorus of snores around me, I quickly leave the sleeping quarters. Sneaking to the drill zone, I take a bag and shove five guns into it with a whole lot of clips.

I take four guns, stuffing them in my bag. I head to the dining hall and search the kitchen for water. Finding a stash of bottles, I take two, shoving them into the bag as well.

The second I’m out of the building, I run as fast as I can down the side streets. I don’t slow until I’m a safe distance away from the main ward.

I stop to catch my breath, and crouching down, my eyes dart around me while I take a gun from the bag. I check the clip, and keeping the weapon firmly in my grip, I make my way to the outer ward at a brisk pace.

I keep glancing around me, on high alert for any trackers or insensates.

My heart is thundering in my chest, and my mouth is dry, but I don’t stop to drink water. I feel way too vulnerable in the darkness.

I have to reach the ward before dawn. Hopefully, I can get something to eat there and take a five-minute break before running to the broken-down metropolis where the rebels are based. I’ll figure out a way into the virtuous eco-city from there.

As the hours tick by, I’m constantly in a state of high alert. I startle at the sound of every twig snapping or sudden noises from the insects.

Calm down. You can’t freak out so early in the mission. You still have a long way ahead of you.

Coming through the lining of trees where Chance and I spent the night when Ruth was up in the nest, my foot hits something, and I lose my balance. Sprawling over the grass, the bag with weapons knocks against my head.

I watch as my gun skids just out of reach.

Stalks snap and break to my right, and I quickly grab hold of my gun, making sure the safety is off. When I glance over my shoulder at what tripped me, I almost scream at the sight of Aaron’s dead eyes staring at me.


I didn’t like him much but seeing him dead and all the dried blood is sickening. No person should die like that and be left without a proper burial.

Suddenly strong fingers clasp around my neck and yank me up from the ground. I kick at the air as I come face to face with an insensate, the man’s eyes devoid of emotions.

Not thinking twice, my arm swings up, and I pull the trigger, planting a bullet in his temple. We both drop to the ground.

I guess when they took away the part of the DNA that gives feelings, they took away his common sense too. Idiot.

Climbing to my feet, I keep still, listening for any other movements, just in case the idiot wasn’t alone.

Five minutes later, when there’s only silence, I continue to make my way to the outer ward’s entrance.

I see what Valen meant about the wall being gone. There’s a huge gaping hole and no sign of the gate.

Holy crap.

More on guard than ever, I move slowly to the entrance and inch my way down the stairs, straining my ears for any sounds. The main door to the tunnels is gone, smoke still hanging in the air from the battle.

Creeping down the left passage, I reach the first archway and glance inside. The vertical farm has been destroyed, and most of the vegetables burned to ashes.

It’s so wrong in a world where food isn’t readily available.

Continuing down the passage, I find the ward eerily quiet. I peek into the animal enclosure and pull back. I saw someone lying on the floor. Nothing moved.