“I know what you’re trying to do, and it won’t work.”

His smile widens. “What’s that?”

“Don’t play with me. You’re trying to make me reconsider what I know about myself. You’re trying to get into my mind, but it won’t work. You can try as hard as you want, I’m not going to break for you or anyone else.”

His eyes twinkle, like he’s enjoying every second of this. “You know, Willow, you have spark. I like that about you. I see why my son is so enamored with you. Perhaps I might decide to enjoy you while I wait for him.”

Enjoy me?

Enjoy. Me?

My stomach twists, but the look in his eye tells me he’s messing with me, that he’s trying to send me over the edge, trying to get a reaction out of me. I fight back the fear, the panic, and I keep my voice calm and unwavering when I answer him. “You so much as come near me, I’ll bite off your cock and spit it in your face.”

His eyes flash, and his smile widens. “See, now you’re just exciting me, saying those sorts of things.”

“You’re sick,” I say, still not letting him see the fear in my eyes.

“I’m not sick, I’m just a man. Your little show only makes me want you that much more. I can make you scream, Willow, and not in a good way. I can break you and this little act you’re putting on. I can have you begging for your life. I can make you wish you were never born. Oh, the things I could do to you. I find you attractive, it wouldn’t be hard for me to make you scream...”

I feel my pulse quicken – and not in a good way – when he steps forward and leans down, taking my face in his hand, his fingers gripping my chin so tightly I can’t pull my head away. I try though, oh, do I try. I jerk and bare my teeth, a warning. A warning he doesn’t heed.

“What would you do if I kissed you right now. Don’t tell me you wouldn’t like it. Don’t tell me you wouldn’t be thinking of him. I mean, we look the same, do we not. Does that do things to you?”


He’s fucking sick.

More than I could have ever imagined.

“Do not,” I growl, jerking my head back again. “I’d rather die than have you put your mouth anywhere near mine.”

His mouth pulls into a grin. “Don’t make out like you don’t find me attractive, you and I both know you do.”

“Thinking you’re attractive and being attracted to you are two very different things, and trust me, you might have a nice face, but you repulse me in a way nobody ever has before.”

He chuckles. “It doesn’t bother me either way. I’ll enjoy it no matter what.”

Is he going to rape me?

Fear grips my chest.

“Don’t rape me,” I say, my voice finally breaking. “I’m begging you.”

He jerks back, his eyes wide. “You think I’d rape you?”

“I know what happens on that island, I also know that you’re not a nice man. Don’t act surprised.”

“You do realize that half the women here, are here because they want to be, and the other half are so weak minded that they don’t care?”

He’s joking, right?

He has to be fucking joking.

Of course they care. They care more than he’ll ever know. They’re weak minded because they’re broken, because they’re damaged, because the world has been cruel to them and they’ve given up, but deep down, they care. They care so much it fucking burns. This monster has no idea. No idea what he’s doing to them.

“They care!” I spit in his face. “They have just been so fucked in the head by you, they don’t realize it. I won’t become that girl. You try that on me, and I’ll make sure you pay. I don’t know how, I don’t know when, but I’ll make sure you pay.”

He shakes his head, smiling again. “Now, Willow. You keep threatening me and I don’t take kindly to threats.”

“Then beat me, or tie me up, but don’t you lay any part of that filthy body on mine.”

He leans close and purposefully slides his lips across mine. I jerk my head back and snap at him, baring my teeth in a way that I know looks truly feral, but I don’t care. If he puts his mouth on me again, I’ll bite his tongue off.

“I’ll do as I please,” he warns, breath tickling my face, “and if you threaten me again, I might reconsider my values on rape.”

Then he stands and turns, walking out, leaving me alone and so scared I can’t think straight. I don’t know what will happen to me now, but I know this, I don’t want Jagger to come here. I’d rather risk my life, then for this monster to ever get his hands on him. The thing that scares me the most is that I know Jagger won’t give up. He’ll fight to find me. He’ll fight to save me. He’ll do anything to get me out of this place.