I slide my tongue up his shaft, and then back down again. I cup his balls in one hand and they’re tight. He’s excited, even if he refuses to show me that. I suck him again, sliding my mouth up and down, but not going long enough to let him come. No, he will come inside me. I peer up at him, and he’s still staring down at me with that dark expression. I take his free hand and pull him back onto the bed.

He lands on his knees and looks like a predator as he crawls toward me. When I’m pressed against the headboard, he stops crawling. His face is inches from mine, his eyes burning into me. I shift and move until I’m freed from that deadly gaze. He turns and sits, leaning his back against the headboard. He’s hard and thick, his cock resting on his belly.

I sit in front of him, not touching him, and I do something I’ve never been gutsy enough to do before, I spread my legs. His eyes widen, and he stares at me with pure male appreciation as I slide my fingers between my legs. I can feel how damp I am, and I know he can see it. I slide my fingers through my heat, moaning at the contact. I’m wound up so tightly.

He reaches his hand down and wraps it around his cock, stroking slowly as he watches me sliding my finger through my pussy. When I insert a finger inside, he finally groans. His hand moves faster, and I realize I don’t want to him to give himself pleasure, I want to give it him. I stop what I’m doing and crawl over to him, climbing onto his lap.

He stares at me, and his eyes search my face. I place my hands on his shoulder and begin lowering myself onto his cock. He moans when I’m fully sheathed, and his free hand finally reaches out to grip my hip. I wrap myself around him, desperate to feel close. I wrap my arms around his waist and bury my head into his shoulder. I rock my hips, and he moans, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me closer.

We’re molded together now, every part of us touching. My legs are on either side of his, my arms are wrapped around his waist, and my face is in his shoulder. His arms are wrapped around me, and his lips are in my hair. We’re so close, so together, yet inside, so fucking far apart. I gently rock my hips up and down, and I can feel his shoulder tensing and bunching beneath my mouth.

Pleasure shoots through me, and I can hear him panting, so I know he feels it, too. I continue to rock my hips gently, my release building higher and higher until I just can’t take it anymore. I come. I come so hard my world disappears for a moment and I’m completely taken away. Bolts of pleasure jerk through my body, and my mouth clamps down onto Jagger’s shoulder. A moment later, his pleasured grunts feel my ears, and I feel him pulsing deep inside me.

When we both come down from our high, we’re silent. I get off him and fall onto the soft mattress. He shifts until he’s lying down, then he puts his hands behind his head and stares at the roof. I know I should say something, hell, there are a million things to say, yet it feels like no matter what conclusion we come to, we always end up back here. Like we just can’t stay away from each other. That is the scariest part.

“Are we done?” I ask softly, terrified of the answer.

He turns his head to pin me with that blue gaze. “No.”

It’s a simple answer and so void of emotion it burns through me. There is no closure in that response, it’s nothing but a forced answer. He’s saying it, but why do I feel like he doesn’t mean it? Is it because he knows just as well as I do that it’s probably for the best if we part, and yet we both find that so hard to do. We really are messed up, so god damned broken.

“That’s it?” I say softly.

“That’s it. I’m tired. Go to sleep.”

He rolls to his side, facing away from me. Is he serious? He is actually going to just dismiss all the events of tonight and act like I’m not here? He just let me fuck him, let himself enjoy it, and now he’s giving me the cold shoulder? Oh hell to the fucking no. One of us needs to address the huge elephant in the room, and I can’t handle this going on and on for days. No, it needs to be said and it needs to be said now.