“Go and prepare what needs to be prepared,” he says to her. “I’ll call later.”

When Sharleen’s gone, Mick nods at the food tray and orders me to eat. I’m starving, but I don’t trust that woman and I’m not touching that food.

“Are you going to eat it?” he asks, leaning against the wall, crossing his arms.

“She could have put anything in here,” I mumble, even though my stomach grumbles.

With a snort, he walks forward and picks up the spoon, shoving a heap of porridge into his mouth. Then he puts his arms out to the side and stares at me. “I’m still alive. Now eat.”

I can’t stop myself, I begin eating, starving beyond belief. I shovel a heap of the porridge into my mouth, not caring if I look pathetic. I’m only about four scoops in when my stomach twists angrily, and I’m forced to put the spoon down. My skin breaks out in a cold sweat, and I feel like I’m going to vomit. Reeling backwards, I clutch my stomach, swallowing the bile that rises.

“Aren’t you going to eat more?” Mick says, pointing to my half empty plate.

“No,” I mutter.

“Aren’t you hungry?”


“Very well. We’ll play it like that.”

His phone rings and he pulls it out of his pocket as he stares down at the screen, grinning.

“Yes, my dearest,” he says when he answers it.


“Ok, baby, have them make room. We’ll be down in a moment.”


“And Sharleen? When I’m done here, you better be under my table with your mouth open.”

God, he’s vile. The worst human. The food in my stomach turns angrily. Mick walks over to me, strokes the hair from my face and then pulls me to my feet, pressing his lips down over mine. I want to vomit all over him, and I’d be more than happy to do so.

“I have a surprise for you, my dear.”

He takes my hand and snaps some cuffs on, and then he leads me out the door and down the halls. We step outside and the sunlight burns my eyes, I’ve been in darkness for far too long. I didn’t realize just how dim the house lights are until we step outside. Perhaps it’s another breaking tactic, everything they do is starting to link together. We walk towards the back of the town, past the buildings and across a large, open field with planes and vans parked up in the middle. People are swarming about, moving bags and barking orders.

When they see Mick, they all seem to stop what they’re doing. It’s like they’re afraid of him, like they don’t dare look like they’re doing something wrong when he’s around. He barks at them all to keep moving, and they all continue rushing around as they were before. Mick leads me towards a huge, open plane hangar. When we step in, there are about fifty people surrounding something.


Everyone moves on command, and I see what they’re looking at. Jagger is sitting on a chair, chained to it. For a moment, my entire world stops as I look down at the man I love, chained up, bleeding. He looks like he has been beaten, not badly, but enough to keep him in line. A pained cry escapes my mouth and I jerk, wanting nothing more than to launch into my arms. His head snaps up at the sound of my cry and his gaze meets mine. He surges forward, toppling over. A man leans down and jerks him back up again.

“Jagger,” I cry out, yanking and pulling on my restraints, wanting to be with him, to go to him, to make this stop.

Mick leads me over, holding my arm so tightly I can’t move more than an inch.

“Hello, my son. How are you feeling?”

“You fuckin’ cunt,” Jagger roars, using a word I can’t ever say I’ve heard him use before. His voice is sharp and angry, his body wound up so tightly it’s scary. “Let her go. Do you fucking hear me? Let her go or I’ll cut your god damned balls off and shove them down your throat.”

Mick laughs, completely unbothered by Jagger’s threats. “Oh, I plan to let her go. Firstly, though, how was your trip? Enjoyable I hope?”

“Just get to the fucking point,” Jagger grinds out. “Enough of your fucking games. Why am I here? And what are you going to do to her?”

I can hardly breathe, my stomach is turning in a way I’m not sure I can fight much longer.

Mick grins. “I’m running the fighting rings again.”

Jagger’s head falls, he knows even before his father says it what the plan is.

His voice is rough when he speaks again. “All along, you wanted me? It was never about her. Fuck. Fuck me. You’re a monster, the worst kind.”

“I thought you were smarter than that, son,” Mick chuckles. “There are a million women in the world I can use, why would I want her? You, on the other hand...”