What has happened to these poor girls for them to be so empty?

I vow then and there that I’ll find a way to get them out of this place. No matter what it costs me. I have to. They can’t live like this.

“Now the choice is yours,” Mick explains, staring down at me. “You can have me, or you can have my men. What’s it going to be?”

“N-n-neither,” I whisper.

Mick wraps his hand in my hair, and I scream as he jerks it back, hard and fast. He shoves me to the ground, pinning me down. I scream, but he’s too strong.

“Who wants to fuck her first?”

“Please,” I cry, wiggling, legs flying. “Okay, Mick, okay. Only you. Only you.”

He hauls me up to my feet and jerks me closer. “Good.”

The other men laugh, they’re enjoying every second of this sick twisted little show. How can any human beings find this act ok? Mick crushes me to his chest, soothing me with useless words, but all I want to do is take a knife to his throat and watch as I slowly slit it, and he sinks to the ground, begging for his life. That thought will be enough to get me through this. Knowing that one day, I just might end him.

“Sharleen,” Mick says, casually. “Make my bed. I’ll be needing it tonight.”

Sharleen’s face scrunches with jealousy. “But...I thought...”

“Don’t go pulling on your little act, you’re not the only girl in my world right now, and there is not a single thing you can do about it. Now, go do as I fucking say, or I’ll let these men have you for the night.”

Sharleen closes her mouth, her face twisted with emotion, and she turns and walks out without so much as another word. She’s not the brave, confident woman she likes to think she is. Not now. Not here. No, here, with Mick, she’s as broken as the rest of them. I wish I could pity her, I wish I could feel sorry for her. I am certain she has seen some things she’ll never recover from, but she still made a choice, and that choice is going to cost me everything. I can’t forgive her for that.

Even if she is just like the rest of them.

I SIT IN COMPLETE FEAR as Mick finishes up whatever the hell it is he’s doing, and then he turns and leads me out of the room. We go further down some long halls, and then come to another stop. He punches in some numbers on the keypad and the door unlocks. He walks me into a large room, it’s decked out with fancy touches, certainly nicer than the other areas of the house. A huge king bed sits in the middle of the room, with four large posts and a dark navy comforter. To the left is a large, corner leather couch and a plasma television. A maroon Persian rug lines the floor in front of the bed and the other side of the room holds the door to a bathroom that looks as though it contains a spa.

He didn’t miss out on anything when it came to his room, it would seem.

“Do you like my room, Willow?”

My face tightens. “No.”

He chuckles. “You’ve been captive before but let me assure you my son was a wimp compared to me. I don’t tolerate smart mouths. He might have fallen for your charm, but I certainly won’t.”

“Say something about him again,” I growl, meeting his gaze.

He keeps the smirk. “Jagger was too soft on you. Perhaps if he had done the right thing when he stole you and put you in your place, you would be less willing to run your mouth every chance you get.”

I don’t bother to answer. Mick has a comment for everything, and I have no energy left to argue. He drags me into the bathroom and turns on the shower, then he steps back and watches me expectantly, so confident I’m not going to run. Hell, where would I run to? The second I got out of this house someone would snatch me up and bring me right back. He knows it, and he’s more than willing to let me know.

“You need to shower,” he murmurs when I don’t move. “I don’t take unclean women to my bed.”

I stare at him, horrified. “I’m not sleeping with you.”

He smirks. “I told you it’s me or them...”

“I can’t,” I say calmly. “I’m on my period. Surely, you’re not that disgusting...”

He continues to smile as he tips his head to the side. “Prove it...”


Think, Willow. Think.

“Prove it,” he growls, “or I will be fucking you tonight.”

I have to think quickly and think quickly I do. I reach for my panties and as I slip my hands inside them, I use my nail to cut into my flesh. It’s painful and it takes everything inside of me not to cry out or show him what I’m doing. Not to mention my skin doesn’t break easily, and I have to fake a cough so that I can use the momentum to put enough pressure on to break my skin. I’d do anything not to have sex with him. I hold his eyes as I reach into my panties, making sure that I can feel the warm touch of blood against my flesh. I slowly pull my hand out, and nearly breathe a sigh of relief when I see my finger is coated in blood.