Even if it means giving up his own life.

That thought scares me the most.


I suspected we’ve been on a ship for the last few days, judging by the amount of swaying that happens during the night as I try to sleep, chained up in this crappy room, desperately trying to figure out a way to get out of this hell hole. It’s hard when I know we’re probably in the middle of the ocean, and there is nowhere for me to run. We’re going to the island, and when we’re there, I don’t know that I’ll be able to find a way off, let alone stop Jagger from coming for me.

I feel helpless.

I’m tired, I’m hungry and I’m thirsty.

The only blessing is that Mick has left me alone since our little interaction, and for that, I’m grateful. A guard brings me water and food once a day, saying nothing. He simply drops it on the ground and walks away. I tried talking to him, but he acted as if I wasn’t there, as if I am nothing more than a spec on the ground. He sees women like me all the time, of that I’m sure, and the very thought of that is terrifying.

The ship blowing a loud horn wakes me from a restless slumber, and as I feel the rocking slowly decrease, my stomach sinks. We’re here. We’ve finally made it. I don’t know if I should be relieved that I made it this far alive, or terrified that I’m about to experience a world that I really couldn’t begin to imagine. It still blows my mind that someone can have an island, out in the middle of nowhere, and nobody has stopped it.

I thought about that, a lot. How, with today’s technology, has nobody been able to stop this yet? Then, I realize that the power goes so much higher than a police officer, or a government person, it goes deep, and it goes dark. Those people are being paid off to turn the other way. Things like this run, because our world is corrupt, and money is far more powerful than life. That’s how they get away with it. I have no doubt this isn’t the only one, either.

As the ship comes to a stop, I force myself into a sitting position, as best I can. Then I wait. Sure enough, only moments later, the door unlocks and Mick steps in, followed by Sharleen. I give her a look that tells her just how much I hate her, and she returns it with full force. If I had a choice between the two, I’d take her down a million times over him. I would slam that pretty face into the ground, relishing at her screams of pain. One day, I very much plan on getting the chance to do just that.

No matter the cost.

“Good morning, Willow dear,” Mick smiles, as if we’re best of friends and he’s here to take me to breakfast. “We’ve finally arrived. I bet you’re excited. I know I am. Word is my son is finding a way to get to you as we speak. Just as I thought.”


Come on, Jagger.

You’re smarter than this. You are.

I say nothing as Mick walks over, sliding a gun from his jeans and then nodding at Sharleen who comes over and leans down, undoing my restraints. My arms burn as they move from the position they’ve been stuck in for days. I could cry with both relief, and pain, but I wouldn’t give them the satisfaction. I can, however, take my one shot at the bitch sitting in front of me, and I do just that.

With shaky, sore arms, I swing them right into her face. I hit her as hard as my tired, weak body can. I don’t care if Mick shoots me, it’ll always be worth hearing the cracking sound as my fist connects with her jaw and she goes tumbling backwards with a cry. It’s the most satisfying thing I’ve felt all year, and as Mick’s gun comes crashing down over the back of my head, I go down smiling, even as the pain radiating through my skull is enough to bring me to my knees.

After that, I blur in and out as they drag me off the ship, arguing about things I really can’t comprehend. As we step into the light of day, it takes a while for my eyes to adjust. With a pounding head, I look around and I’m shocked at the sight before me. I had pictured the island, of course, but what I’m seeing here is basically a small town. There are houses and buildings, more people than I would have ever imagined, and if you didn’t know what it was, you’d say it was a secluded paradise hidden away from the world.