“I’m getting there, but it fucking sucks. I really hate this situation. I don’t know what to do with myself, if I’m being honest.”

“Have you spoken to Jagger since you got back?” Jenny asks.

“I text him before, he wants to talk. I know he’s still with Sharleen.”

“Who the fuck knows what’s going on there, though,” Ava mumbles, rolling her eyes. “The woman is a snake. I haven’t really seen them doing anything, he’s always so quiet when we’re there. He’s a hard man to read.”

I blink a few times, wondering if I heard that right. When we’re there?

“What’re you two doing over there?”

They both go red and my eyes widen. Wait a damned second. What have I missed here?

“Oh hell no, spit it the fuck out!” I demand.

“Well ... it’s a long story,” Ava begins. “First, we kept in contact because we were all worried about you. When the shit with that gang leader was over with, Jagger and the boys decided to move back into town. I don’t know why, but Jagger said he didn’t want to live out there anymore. They all purchased the apartment complex up the road, the massive one with the big private yard. Paid for the whole thing and took an apartment each. We chose not to ask how they could afford that. So anyway, we started visiting more and ...”

“And?” I urge, waving a hand.

“Well, I’m kind of dating Angel,” Ava blurts.

My mouth drops open. What the ever-loving-fuck did I miss?


Ava shrugs and smiles stupidly. “Well, it just happened. I can’t explain it. It just ... yeah ... well ...”

“And now you live with him?”

“No, I just stay there a lot,” she answers, sheepishly.

“I’ve been gone like one month! How the hell does all this happen in one month?” I cry.

“I know, I know. Jenny has already given me this lecture, but I really like him. We have a strong connection, Willow.”

I exhale, shaking my head. “Ava, you’re setting yourself up for hurt.”

“I’m not. He’s so good to me.”

I shove my head in my hands. I can’t judge her when she was there for me after my capture. Heck, I fell in love with my own kidnapper, it’s a little rude of me to judge her. Angel is a really good guy, and I can’t say there is a better choice for her out there.

“You’re pissed, but trust me, he’s so good to me ...”

I sigh and lift my head, giving her a smile. “I’m not pissed at you. I’m just worried, but I also know Angel is a good guy and if you want to see him, that’s your choice. I’m just hating the idea of Jagger being so close.”

“It must be so strange, knowing that you have to see him again,” Jenny says, giving me a bothersome look. She’s been oddly quiet this entire time.

“I can’t hide forever,” I mutter.

Though I’d really like to try.

Jenny laughs. “You’re too tough.”

“Trust me, I’m not,” I say, standing. I clap my hands together. “Anyway, enough of that. I say we go to lunch because I have so much to tell you both, and I’m starving.”

Both girls stand. “I’m in,” Ava says. “I want to hear all about this trip.”

“Same!” Jenny agrees.

I rush off to my room and get changed, then we make our way out of the apartment and walk down the street. A few blocks down and over the road is a great little café that we often spent days eating lunch or breakfast at. I’ve missed it, actually—they make the best cupcakes in town. God knows I could use a few cupcakes. I need to put a little weight back on.

“I have to warn you, we’re about to walk past the guys’ new place,” Ava tells me as we near the end of the road.

I shrug. “It doesn’t matter. I’m a big girl, I can handle it.”

Ava and Jenny both nod, and Jenny surprises me by taking my hand. We continue walking, and when we get to the big apartment complex, my mouth drops open. Holy shit. They purchased this entire complex? Granted it’s only got about six apartments, but I didn’t realize this was the one they bought. It’s huge, modern, and I now know what Ava is saying about the large private area out back.

It used to be a garage, so it has a huge shed with three bays on the massive grounds behind it. It’s very private and perfect for whatever business these guys get into. Still, it’s scarily close to my place, and I’m not sure I’m going to be okay with having to walk past it every time I want to get a coffee. I exhale the breath I’m holding. I’ve got to get it together.

“I suppose all their business will be conducted here, then?” I say, staring at the huge building.