A - I won’t be there when you get back, don’t freak out, I’ll explain when you finally show your face again x P.S Jenny is so fucking angry that you didn’t take her to Italy. See you soon x

With a sigh, and slight disappointment that there isn’t one call from Jagger. I quickly reply to Ava.

W- I’m back! I didn’t take my phone, I’m sorry if you were worried. You’re not here, where are you?

Then, with trembling fingers and a heavy heart, I text Jagger.

W – I’m home. So you know.

Oh my God, that sounded so pathetic. I shake my head, frustrated with myself, but a little piece of me couldn’t help it, either. My phone beeps, and I stare down at the screen. He text back. I didn’t expect him to, but he did.

J – You okay?

He wants to know if I’m okay? Seriously?

Why the hell would I be okay?

W – I needed time.

J – Answer the question. Are you okay?

W - Fine.

J - When can we talk?

W - Is Sharleen still there?

A long, long moment passes before my phone beeps again.

J - Yeah.

W - Then there isn’t much to say. I just wanted you to know I was home.

J - Don’t do that, don’t turn away. We need to talk. I will find you.

I don’t reply. I see a message flash on the screen from Ava.

A - Jen and I are on our way home, cover your ass, it’s going to get whooped!

I smile at the text and peer down at the screen where a message has come through from a number I haven’t saved. I open it and smile. It’s Luca. I spent a good deal of time with Luca in the few weeks I was in Italy, and while it wasn’t anything romantic, he really did help me through some of the darkest moments I had. I gave him my number before I left and he told me he’s due for a vacation and is coming to visit me. I have no idea when, but I’m glad to have made a new friend.

L - Did you make it home? When can I come and visit. I’m bored without your moping.

W - Ha-ha. I’m home. You can come and visit whenever you like. Just note, the flight is long and boring as hell.

L - Ha! I like long and boring things. I have vacation days. I’m booking. It’s your turn to show me your city.

W – I’m not sure it will match up to yours, but I’m down.

L - Stay tuned. Have you seen him yet?

W – No. Hell no.

L – Stay strong. Help is on the way.

I laugh and then switch my phone off when I see Jagger trying to call. I can’t deal with everything at once. I think about Luca and how the others might see the situation. He’s a very attractive man, I mean very attractive. Not quite in the way Jagger is, but he turns heads all the same. He’s also a hoot, and I really hope he comes and visits like he’s promising.

I unpack my clothes while I wait for Ava and Jenny to arrive home. I wonder where they were. When I hear a car pull up, I rush out and stand by the front door. When it opens, I watch Ava and Jenny step inside. They both look good, and Ava looks extra happy to see me, though she’s trying to smother it with a serious expression. When they lay their eyes on me, both widen.

“Shit, Willow. Is that you?” Jenny asks, jerking her head back to get a better look at me.

Yes, I know I look different. My once dark red hair is now sun streaked from all the time I laid on the beach. My skin is darker, I know that, and I’ve lost a little weight. Still, I like the change. I look different, and I needed something different for when I returned home.

“The sun did good things to me,” I say. “Now are you two going to hug me, because I really need you to.”

“Get over here,” Ava says.

I rush over and they both reach out and slap my shoulder so hard I yelp, and then laugh. Then we’re hugging and our eyes are welling with tears. I’ve missed them so much, but mostly, I’m glad they’re not angry at me. I couldn’t handle it if they were upset.

“We were so worried about you,” Jenny says, pulling back.

“I’m sorry I left for so long, but I couldn’t deal with everything. I just needed a break. I was trying to protect my mind. It’s endured enough.”

“We understand,” Ava smiles, “I’m just glad you’re home. You need to tell us everything. But mostly, how are you now? Are you okay?”

I sigh and sit down on the sofa; they both fall down beside me.