
I grin and nestle back further into him.

“Goodnight, Mr. Black.”

“Goodnight, Willow baby.”


“Willow, order up!”

I turn on my aching feet and pick up the plates from the counter. My boss, Katie, smiles at me, and I return the smile weakly. I carry the tray over to the table where two very gorgeous men sit. Angel and Ace. Yes, these poor guys have to look after me while I work, for protection, Jagger doesn’t feel that I’m safe. That couldn’t suck more, for me or them. They smile gratefully—at least their food is on the house and it’s damn good food.

“Sorry, guys, I’m nearly done.”

They have been sitting in the café for five hours now, just waiting for me to finish. They took breaks coming and going, and they did a lot of work on the computer trying to find out more information on the island where all the drugs and traffickers are located. I gave Jagger the copy of coordinates, and he has been working furiously to try and find out what the hell is going on. Trying to link Sharleen. Trying to link his dad. Trying to figure it all out.

“No problem. We’re happy to be here.” Ace grins, taking a bite of his burger.

They’re too good to me.

“Half an hour more and we’re done.”

They both nod, and I go back to serving. I’m at the counter putting a payment through when someone says my name in a smooth, silky tone.

“Well, hello sweetheart.”

I look up into the eyes of Mick, Jagger’s father. Terrific.

“What are you doing here?” I ask, trying to keep calm, to not show a single emotion even though, inside, I feel sick.

In the light of day, Mick is even more attractive. His raven black hair is plaited over his shoulder and hangs down in a thick bind over his chest. His blue eyes are bright, clear, and devastatingly beautiful. His body is hard, firm, and I can see the line of tattoos up his arm and across his bare shoulders. Most women wouldn’t even stop to ask his name before throwing themselves at him.

“I wanted to say hello to my sweet daughter-in-law. There’s nothing wrong with that, is there?”

“Don’t pretend you’re here to play nice with me,” I grind out. “I’ve got no interest in talking with you.”

“Come on, Willow, you’re judging me before you even get to know me. I didn’t think you were so shallow.”

“I trust Jagger, and I trust that he knows what kind of man you are. That’s what I trust.”

“Can’t a man want to see his own kids?”


“Are you going to offer me a coffee?” he goes on, as if I didn’t speak at all, his voice jovial.

I smirk, and it’s not nice. “If you pay for it, sure.”

“Oh, I’ll pay, don’t you worry about that. Long black.”

I start up the coffee machine, feeling uneasy.

“Did you talk to my son?”

“You’re damn right she did.”

The voice comes from behind Mick, and it comes out like a whip. I lift my head to see Jagger standing behind his father, eyes filled with fury, arms crossed across his chest. This isn’t good. It’s a sure fire way to have me lose my job.

Mick looks his son over, and a smile stretches across his face. A cold, lifeless smile. “Johnny, my boy. Lookin’ well. It’s been a long time, son. Have you missed me?”

Jagger swings his fist so quickly it’s nothing but a blur. His father is launched off the ground and slammed into the counter, his back making a cracking sound as it hits. Screams erupt around the shop, and I feel my eyes widening. This is bad, very, very bad. Angel and Ace leap up and rush over, pulling Jagger back. His father stands, and the grin on his face is all but pleasant. It doesn’t waver, though. He keeps it even though there is blood running down his chin.

“I see you still know how to throw a punch.”

“You get out of here, and stay the fuck away from her,” Jagger seethes, his eyes lit with fury.

Everyone in the shop is silent now, and Katie has rushed out at the commotion and is looking between the two men, no doubt wondering if it’s safe for her to demand they leave. Jagger looks over the counter at me, and I swallow, not really sure what to do.

“I said—” Jagger looks back to his father “—get out. Willow is of no use to you. Do you hear me?”

His father smirks, “Maybe in your opinion.”


His father swipes his bloody face once more, winks at me, then turns and walks out of the cafe. Jagger looks over me, his eyes scanning every inch of my body, then he looks to Katie. “It’s not her fault, that man was my father and he’s not here for her. I’m sorry this happened in your café.”