He lunges at me without warning, slamming my body back into the counter, rough hand around my throat, coating it with blood. He leans in, baring his teeth, eyes wild. “You don’t fucking love me.”

“I do,” I say, tears soaking his blood-stained hand. “I love you more than I’ve ever loved anything in this fucking world, Jagger.”

He squeezes and then releases my throat and brings his mouth down over mine, his kiss angry and feral, his hands rough as he puts them on either side of me, effectively trapping me against the counter. He kisses me until I’m panting, until I can taste blood, until my body is burning for him. Burning with a need to feel him inside me, rough and hard, to make all the pain go away.

“Fuck me,” I demand through gasping breaths. “Fuck me, Jagger. As hard as you can.”

He has my pants down and his jeans off in a matter of seconds, his rigid cock pressing against my pussy. Then, with one rough shove, he’s inside me. He’s hard as a rock and it burns, every inch of him burns, but I take it. I take every single bit of it and our lips collide once more. He fucks me hard, my back slamming against the counter top, and I know it’ll leave a bruise but I don’t care.

I’m so fucking done caring.

He fucks me in a way that makes every nerve ending in my body come alive.

He fucks me so hard my knees go weak.

And when I cum, oh, I bring the house down with me.

He follows only seconds later, a feral hiss escaping as he releases inside of me.

Then, he’s gone.

Just as quickly as he was inside me, he’s gone, and he’s jerking his jeans up and turning, disappearing down the hallway.

Oh no.

No way.

We’re not done here.

Not even close.

I FOLLOW JAGGER DOWN the hall, and when I reach his room, he’s stripping off his clothes and walking to the shower.

“Jagger,” I call, and he stops, but he doesn’t look back at me.

“Do you want me to leave?” I ask, my voice shaky.

He turns and strides toward me, eyes raking over my face. “You fuckin’ women demanded a choice, and when you didn’t get it, you fuckin’ threw your hands up. If you want to be here, Willow, then you can be here. I’m not begging you to stay. But know this, I don’t do games. If you stay, you better get on that fuckin’ bed, because I’m no way near done with you.”

I stare, wide eyed, shocked by his words. “I ...”

“Did I stutter?” he growls. “Decide.”

Then, he turns and walks into the shower.

This is certainly not how I saw the night going. This is what I’ve wanted, this is what I’ve needed, and now I have the chance at it, I’m not entirely certain how I feel. The man walking in front of me is everything, and he’s giving me the decision I’ve wanted from the start. To stay or go.

My knees wobble as I listen to the shower start, but I know already what my choice is.

I’ve known since the second I laid eyes on this man.

He’s all I’ve ever wanted.

I stay standing until he walks out of the shower, completely naked, and his eyes rake over me. “You’re still here.”

“You said you weren’t done,” I whisper, staring at his cock, watching as it slowly begins growing again.

God damn.

I’m so crazy about this man.

“If you stay, you stay. You don’t fuckin’ run from me. You don’t leave me when things get tough. You stay, and you do it because you want to.”

I nod, swallowing. “Sharleen?”


“Are you sure?”

He gives me a hard look. “Make the choice, Willow. Right fuckin’ now.”

I bite my lip and meet his eyes. “I’m staying.”

“Good. Are we done talkin’, because I need to fuck you again.”

“Well, I’m not stopping you.”

With a feral hiss, he steps forward, leans down, and hauls me over his shoulder. I cry out as he throws me down onto the bed before his hard body comes down, crushing me into the mattress, and his eyes lock onto mine. “Do not leave me again.”

I reach up, stroking his bottom lip, wanting to wash the anger away from his perfect face. “Same goes.”

He reaches down between us, stroking his cock, and I can feel his hand moving over it as his eyes lock onto mine. God he’s gorgeous. So fucking perfect.

“Stop that,” I whisper.


He keeps stroking, the muscles in his arms flexing.

“It’s so fucking hot,” I breathe. “Just fuck me again. I need as much of you as I can get.”

He growls and it sends shivers up my spine.

I bite my lip, staring at his, and then put my hands to his bare chest and shove him, flipping him over until he lands on his back. I climb on top of him, taking his rigid cock into my hands and lowering my head down. I slide my tongue out and swirl it around the tip of his cock. He groans and jerks his hips. I wrap a hand around the hard length of him and begin stroking and sucking, gently, softly, until he’s begging me to stop.