His voice is rough, like he’s been yelling for the last hour.

“I’m fine,” I say, bitterly. “Thanks for having my back out there.”

“I can’t argue with you tonight, Willow. I’ve been screaming with my wife, and I’m done. I’m so fucking done.”

“If you want me to feel sorry for you, I don’t. I’m not doing this anymore, Jagger. I’m not playing these games. If you wanted me, you’d already have me. You had your chance, you didn’t take it. I’m out. I’m making it easy for you. I can’t handle this anymore. Please, stop coming around here. I need time to get over this.”

His face hardens. “That’s it? You’re just going to bail?”

I laugh, bitterly. “Bail? Is that what you think this is? You fucked me. You took me out there, and you fucked me. It was incredible. You’re jealous, you’re acting crazy, yet when it came down to it you still chose her. You went with her. You comforted her. I’m not here to mend your wounds because you aren’t ready to let me go. You can’t have everything. You can’t have us both. If you can’t choose, then I’m done.”

He exhales. “Fuck me, Willow, I ...”

He’s cut off when the pizza boy walks up the front steps. He looks between the two of us and awkwardly hands me the pizza. I thank him and hand over the money before he disappears back to his car. I face Jagger once more. “Make a choice. If you want me, you need to be all in. If you want her, then we’re done. You can’t have both. What’s it going to be, Jagger?”

He looks like he’s going to explode, like the pressure is just too much for him.

“You can’t ask this of me, not right now, not right here.”

“I can,” I say. “I can, and I will. If you can’t decide, I’ll decide for you. It’s over. Don’t come here again. Don’t call me. Don’t text me. We’re finished.”

I turn and walk inside the house, slamming the door.

I press my back to it, pizza box in hand, heart in my throat.

Luca is standing, and his eyes catch mine. “You okay?”

I shake my head.

I’m not.

I’m not okay.

But I did the right thing.

I know I did.

Even if it hurts.

FIVE DAYS PASS WITH no word from any of the guys. Ava assures me they’re okay, and she also tells me Jagger is still living with Sharleen. Devastated by his choice, I make sure to avoid him at all costs. I have kept myself busy and away from the house, making sure if he shows up, I’m not there. I’ve also started my new job and take any hours they offer me, which has helped a lot.

I’ve just finished up my shift at work late on Thursday afternoon and decide I’ll walk to the store and get something for dinner before heading home. I clean up the last of my tables and then clock out and get my things, walking onto the slowly darkening sidewalk. I move amongst people, lost in my own little world and am about to cross the street when I notice a man is walking behind me.

At first, I figure he’s just like any other person heading home for the evening, but as I get closer to the store and people slowly begin fading out, I notice that he’s got his eyes set on me. When I cross the road, he crosses too; when I stop, he stops. Uneasy, I pick up my pace only to notice that he’s quickly following me. He’s a big man, wearing all black, and as I glance over my shoulder at him, his eyes lock onto mine and an uneasy feeling comes over me.

He's dangerous.

Everything in my body is screaming at me to get the hell out of there.

I just don’t know where to go. I’m alone, and I’m still a few blocks away from the store.

I pull out my phone without thought, and with shaky fingers, I dial Jagger.

I could call someone else, but instinctively he’s the person who comes to mind.

He answers on the first ring. “Willow?”

“Jagger, someone is following me.”

“Where are you?”

“I’m walking home from work and was just making my way to the store when I noticed him behind me. He is freaking me out. I don’t know what he wants.”

“Keep walking, do not stop. Where exactly are you?”

I glance around quickly. “Just passing the park by the store.”

“What is the closest place for you to go?”

“The store,” I say, heart racing.

I put my phone on reverse camera and hold it up to see the man is getting closer. Terrified, I frantically ask Jagger, “I don’t know what to do. He’s so close, Jagger.”

“Are there any people around?”

Eye scanning the street, I notice a group of people on the other side of the road. “Yes, a group of people over the road.”