I take it and grin, staring at her gorgeous outfit. She’s a nurse, but man, she’s making it look sexy as hell. She told me Ace is dressing as a doctor and, together, they’re going to look quite the part. Ava and Angel are going as angel and demon, which is hilarious and clever. Ava is the demon, of course, and her dress is tighter than mine, and with her horns and epic make up, she looks terrifying. Something from a Halloween show.

“I’m not going for him,” I point out, shooting back the shot and clenching my eyes shut as it burns the entire way down.

“He’s going to shit bricks when he casts eyes over him,” Ava murmurs.

Did I mention Luca arrived early? He surprised me this morning with a call saying he was in town. I went and picked him up, and the two of us spent the day exploring. Ava and Jenny absolutely love him, and he’s brightened my entire day.

I glance at the sofa where Luca is busy on a phone call. He looks gorgeous—of course he does, any woman would be mad not to climb that man like a tree—but my eyes are unfortunately fixed on someone I can’t have. Still, I know what it’ll look like, and I’m not sorry.

“He’s so hot,” Jenny whispers, leaning close. “Are you sure you don’t want to just jump on him for a night?”

I smirk and shove her with my elbow. “Behave. We’re friends.”

“Friends with benefits?” Ava suggest.

I roll my eyes and shake my head. “Luca, are you ready?”

Luca looks up and gives us a huge grin, then he stands. He’s dressed up in whatever we could find him at short notice, and that happens to be a cowboy, to match my outfit and oh, did I mention Jagger’s? Right. We’re all going in there dressed as the same thing, which should be more than a little entertaining.

“I’m ready. I want to see this man that has your knickers in a twist. Give me a shot.”

He strides over and takes a shot.

We all swallow down another one, too.

“Ready?” Jenny says, clapping her hands together.

I nod, grinning. “Fuck it, let’s do this.”

We all walk out of the apartment and make our way down the road to the party. The complex is decked out with lights, kegs, and tables of food. The pool is right in the middle and it’s surrounded by chairs and half naked bodies, already diving in and making a scene. As we step in the gates, Luca falls in step beside me, putting an arm around my waist. I pause and glance up at him.

“What?” he asks, grinning.

“You’re evil.”

“You didn’t think I was going to make this easy on him, did you?”

“I did not,” I laugh.

“Holy shit,” Ava murmurs, and I turn to see what she’s breathily talking about.

Jagger has just stepped out of his apartment and holy, sweet baby Jesus. My mouth drops open, and my eyes widen. He’s wearing a pair of very low-hung blue jeans decked out with cowboy chaps. He has heavy cowboy boots on and a hat on his head. His top half is completely naked except for the whip hanging over his shoulder. He looks fucking incredible, and I can’t help that my eyes drag over him, unable to move away.

“Jesus,” Luca murmurs. “That him?”

I nod.

“Fuck. Now I can see the obsession. Girl, I’m straight as a nail and I’m obsessed.”

I laugh.

Jagger’s eyes move to me, and when he notices Luca by my side, his entire posture changes. A darkness flitters across his expression, the kind of darkness that tells me he does not like what he’s seeing and he’s fucking pissed. I look away before he has the chance to terrify me any further with that expression.

“Let’s get a drink,” I say to Luca.

“He’s going to murder me, isn’t he?”

I laugh and nudge him with my shoulder, promising he won’t be murdered tonight, then we walk over to the table to get a cup of beer. Sharleen exits the apartment a few minutes later, and her costume is ... underwhelming. She’s dressed in short shorts, a tied up flannel shirt, and a cowboy hat and boots. She’s gorgeous, of course, but I think it’s safe to say my outfit kicks ass compared to hers.

At least, that’s what I’d like to think, anyway.

Angel, Ace, Ava, and Jenny all approach and damn, they look good together. We stand by the beer table, filling our cups, and I introduce them to Luca.

“Are they all hot?” Luca chuckles. “No wonder you girls are crazy. I need to find some hot women to balance this shit out.”

Jenny laughs, stepping closer to Ace.

I need more alcohol.

I need this night to be a blur.

That’ll make it easier on me tomorrow.

“How old are you, Angel?” I ask, clapping my hands together.