“Are you sure?” I ask.

She waves a hand. “Absolutely.”

I hug her and get myself another beer, then we all settle in to watch movies. I’m grateful to these two for being here—it really helps. We watch some horror flick until my eyes are too heavy and I tell them both I’m going to bed. As soon as I get into my room, I flop down and rest my head on the pillow, exhaling. Tonight was exactly what I needed.

My phone pings, and I roll, lifting it off the bedside table to see a load of messages from Jagger. Messages that both confuse me and give me hope.

J - You’re fucking ripping my heart out.

J - I want you so fuckin bad. This shouldn’t be this hard.

J – All I can think about is tasting your pussy.

J – I want my cock inside you. I can’t spend another minute in this fucking nightmare.

J – Fuck. Willow. What have you done?

I think he’s drunk. In fact, I can almost bet he is. I respond anyway.

W – You’re drunk. You should go to bed.

J – I’m in bed. You’re not here.

W – That was your choice. Not mine.

J – You won’t let me make a choice.

W – I’m nobody’s maybe, Jagger.

J – Just give me some damned time.

W – Where’s your wife?

J – Don’t fucking know.

W – Right.

J - Can I come over?

W - No.

J – Why?

W – You know why. Goodnight, Jagger.

My phone rings then. Great, drunk Jagger won’t get the hint. I pick it up and answer with a snappy, “What?”

“Why won’t you talk to me?” he asks, his voice sexy and drunk, a combination that is rather enjoyable to listen to.

“Because I’m tired, and I don’t want to.”

“All I’m askin’ is for you to give this time.”

“Jagger, you need to go to sleep.”

“I want you, so fuckin’ bad. I’m so fuckin’ hard for you. Fuck. I can’t think. I need you. Come here and sit on my dick, rock on it the way you do. I need to be inside you.”

My mouth drops open. What the fuck did he just say? Oh, he’s beyond the point of return. The man is off his face, and I’m not going to take anything he’s saying seriously, even if it does make everything inside me ache.

“You have a wife for that, perhaps you should call her.”

“Fuck. You.”

“Why? Because I’m saying the truth? I’m sure she’s more than willing to take you. You’re not missing out, Jagger. You’re fucking her, and you’re still begging me for more.”

He falls silent and my heart stops.

Mostly because his lack of an answer tells me that what I’m saying is true, that he’s fucked her and he’s asking to fuck me. He wants the best of both worlds. That isn’t what hurts, though, it’s the thought of him inside her, kissing her body, running his hands over her skin, trembling as he cums deep inside her.

The thought nearly brings me to my knees.

I can’t take it.

I hang up the phone. Pain rips through my heart, a pain I can’t handle. The kind of jealousy that tears through my soul. I’m not strong enough for this. I’m in love with a man I can’t have, and I don’t know if I can take much more of it.

I want to run.

But I have nowhere to run to.

I’m stuck in this nightmare.


I’m sitting in my bed, fighting the kind of pain I wish didn’t exist. I hung up only twenty minutes ago, and now I can hear Jagger’s furious pounding at the front door. Ava has gone back to Angel’s place, which means I’m here alone. I didn’t think he’d come over, hell, I didn’t think I’d hear from him again tonight.

He can’t see me like this. He’ll see the pain in my eyes.

He’ll know just how much he has broken me.

“Open the fucking door,” he roars, pounding so hard I’ve got no choice but to stand and walk out of the room.

Before I can reach the door, I hear Ace’s voice coming through. He must have followed him here. I’m thankful because I don’t know if I can face him. If I see his face and know that he’s feeling anything, anything at all, I’ll crumble.

“Jagger, fuck, man, what are you doin’?”

“I need to talk to her.”

“You’re drunk, boss. You need to go home.”

“Not until I see her.”

“Now ain’t the time. You gotta get yourself together, you’re a fuckin’ wreck. Go home, I’ll make sure she’s okay.”

“No,” Jagger growls.

“Jagger, with all due respect, go the fuck home. I’m not lettin’ you in this apartment.”

“Fine, but you fuckin’ call me when you know she’s okay. Ace, I swear to God if you don’t ...”

“I will, now go.”

A moment later a soft knock sounds out.

“Willow? It’s Ace, he’s gone. You in there?”