Page 9 of Fate

Liam continued to loosen up the more they talked and planned, and Sadie realized this was probably the first conversation they’d ever really had. Any time she needed to talk about work logistics or performance reviews, it was always with Elaine, the lead first grade teacher. During work meetings or if they ever passed each other in the hall, he always seemed to look right through her. When he did look at her, it was with either disapproving scowls or dismissive glances.

It was quite a rush to her senses to huddle over a desk with him, so close that she could see the slight curl to his hair and quick flashes of those dimples.

Maybe he was just shy and awkward and didn’t actually have a problem with her? That didn’t make sense, though, because he was fine—charming, even—with her co-workers, as well as the students and their families.

It’s just me, then. But I guess he can join the club, a self-pitying voice in her head reminded her.

Time seemed to fly by as they hashed out the details of the play, and when Sadie finally looked down at her phone, she noticed it was almost seven o’clock.

“Yikes,” she said, looking up at Liam. “It’s seven! I better go. I’ve got a pumpkin pie to invent.”

Liam’s dimples disappeared as he glanced up at the clock on his office wall and then back at her again, something indecipherable creasing his brows.

“You’re right,” he said slowly as he started to gather the papers and stuff them in the folder. “It is getting late.”

“Thanks again for your help with this, Mr. Cohen,” Sadie said as she rose from her chair and slipped on her coat. “I guess I’ll see you at dinner tomorrow, and maybe we can meet up again next week?”

He nodded but didn’t say anything as she picked up her bags. He continued to stay silent as she made her way across his office, pulling her gloves over her hands.

“Wait,” he said deeply, just as she’d put her hand on the door. Sadie turned and looked at him, her brows lowered in a question.

She didn’t know what she expected him to say, but something struck her as she turned around to see him standing over his desk.

He wasn’t very tall—maybe only a couple inches taller than Sadie’s five feet seven inches—but his shoulders were wide, and his body had the sleek, strong look of a runner.

She’d only been with one guy before—her ex, Tyler—and he was, for all intents and purposes, a meathead. He had been constantly lifting weights and sucking down protein drinks in an effort to reach some new proportion or muscle-fat ratio.

What would it be like to be with someone like Mr. Cohen? Strong, but maybe in a more inconspicuous way. She thought she’d liked Tyler’s size … it always made her feel small and delicate. But she was starting to think she could feel that way with someone like Mr. Cohen.

What would it feel like to have his weight on top of hers? To wrap her legs around his waist and feel him pressing up against her?

She wasn’t able to stop the images that assaulted her then—his body against hers on top of that giant industrial desk, or what if he were to lean her over it while he stood behind her and….

“Yes?” she said finally, shrilly, in an attempt to stop the onslaught of wildly inappropriate thoughts assaulting her mind and body.

He’s your boss, Sadie, and not to mention this is a freaking elementary school.

“I’ll walk out with you,” he said deeply, pausing for a couple beats as her eyes widened in shock. “I mean, you shouldn’t walk outside by yourself. It’s dark.”

“Okay, sure,” she said, forcing a smile to her face while her heart pumped wildly. “That’s so nice of you. You’re ready to go now?”

He nodded slightly before dropping down into his chair and starting the process to shut down his computer.

Within five minutes, they’d made their way into the front office. Hot desk sex thoughts continued to creep into Sadie’s mind, and she desperately swatted them away while she scoured her brain for anything to say that would bring on a sense of normalcy.

“So, are you bringing anything for dinner tomorrow?” she asked in a high-pitched voice.

“No,” he answered ruefully as he grabbed his blue wool coat from the coat rack and looped his arms through it. “I’m not much of a cook.”

“Iloveto cook.” Sadie volunteered exuberantly.Food.Food has nothing to do with hot sex with your boss, right?“Annie always makes fun of me for experimenting in the kitchen. Sometimes my creations turn out great … and sometimes a little weird.”

Liam chucked deeply at her as he held the door open for her and locked the front office behind them. “Pumpkin pie doesn’t sound too weird?”

“Oh, I’ll give it a twist,” she said knowingly as they walked through the darkened entryway of the school.

It felt strange and almost secretive walking through the still, empty school with him, like they were doing something wrong or illicit.

Again, a heat rose in Sadie.He’s your boss and he hates you. She’d made this mistake before, imagining there was something going on between her and a guy. She wouldn’t do it again with herbossof all people.