Page 37 of Fate

The only light in the room was what seeped in from the lamp she’d turned on in the living room. Even though it was mostly dark, he could see that the command made her uneasy. She usually liked to be told what to do. Maybe it was everything they’d been through lately, but she needed this, he could see that clearly enough.

Quickly availing himself of his clothes, Liam lay down on Sadie’s bright white duvet. Feeling a bit self-conscious, he watched her as she watched him. She seemed to stand there forever, looking him over. Finally, she started moving, and he could make out her motions as she started undressing, taking off her leggings and sweater and throwing them near his clothes.

He watched her and waited, the anticipation thrumming through his veins. It was a sweet relief when she finally lowered herself to the bed, crawling slowly toward him and laying her naked body on top of his. He hissed in a deep breath at the feelings and sensations. Her soft, lithe form brushing against the hard muscles of his body; the light bristles of his hair rubbing against her nipples as she grazed against him slowly, teasingly; and her lips coming down to softly meet his.

He felt incredibly hot and uncomfortable as his hands came up to her waist. He wanted to move them up to her breasts, but as soon as his hands started gliding delicately over her skin, she froze.

“Put your hands next to you, and don’t touch me,” she ordered resolutely. He could sense her looking down at his face determinedly. He dropped his hands to the side.Jesus, this is hard. He much preferred to be the one giving the orders.

He quickly overcame his uncertainty, letting out another groan as she leaned down and dropped light kisses on his chest at the same time she slipped off him, drifting down the side of the bed where his feet hung loosely on the floor, her body coming down to kneel on the floor in front of him.

“Sadie, wait…” he started to protest as he realized what she was planning to do, but it was too late.

She took him in her mouth, his long shaft sliding down her throat. He felt like he’d burst any second. This was too much—Sadie,his Sadie, had him in her mouth—he’d never felt anything like it. She was stroking him, so warm and wet and….

He didn’t last long before he snapped—it couldn’t go on like this.I just need to….

His hand drifted down to her distractedly, motioning her to stop. She pulled away from him with a triumphant smile as he lifted himself up and away from her, leaning down and picking her up from under the shoulders. She emitted a loud shriek as her body fell down next to him on the bed, looking up at him with a knowing smile.

“You’re going to drive me crazy, Sadie Abbey Sullivan,” he said gruffly.

She returned his accusation with a delirious giggle. “That’s kinda the poin—”

She didn’t get a chance to finish her thought as he kicked her legs apart quickly and entered her in one sure movement.

She gasped out a deep breath as he hit deep inside, causing her to pause. It was like he’d literally taken her breath away as well as his own. He leaned over her, his heart beating hard against his chest.

He recovered quickly, though, and he started moving methodically. She reached up to graze her hands up and down his chest as they both gasped and jolted quickly. It felt like a start of something new now that they were free of all the pretenses, assumptions, and lies. Liam felt like this was the first time they’d been together in which he was himself, and she saw him for who he truly was.

They both came simultaneously, which was unheard of as far as Liam was concerned. He lay atop her for a few beats before rolling over, tracing her profile against the shadowy light.

She turned to him suddenly, looking at him pensively. “I’m so glad we found each other, Liam,” she whispered. “I just wish I’d seen you … back then.”

He connected his mouth with hers, silencing her with his kiss. “It doesn’t matter,” he insisted. “Nothing matters except what’s happening right now. Everything worked out the way it was supposed to—it was fate.”

“Yes,” she agreed softly, smiling up at him. “You’re my fate.” She paused, looking up at the ceiling before looking over at him again. “Do you think the school board will accept that when we tell them we’re in a relationship? You know we have to tell them, right? It would be better that they found out from us and not someone else.”

Liam rolled over, a scolding, teasing look in his eyes. “Don’t bring them up in this sacred palace,” he ordered.

“I’m sorry!” she laughed. “Now that we’ve figured out all of our stuff, I just feel like that’s the logical next—”

Leaning down, he connected his lips to hers in a gentle kiss before pulling away and looking down at her tenderly. “I told you, nothing else matters except for you and me. Now you lie back and accept your fate.”

Sadie burst out a loud laugh as he traveled down her body until she had very good reason to stop laughing and let fate take over.



“So… how did it go?” Sadie asked, looking up at Liam urgently as he finally sat down across from her. She’d been waiting for him at The Golden Carafe for what felt like hours.

While Liam had been in the school district’s administrative offices at the other end of Lake Conrad Square, pleading the case for their relationship, Sadie had opted to wait for him inside the cozy, heated coffee shop.

Even with the space heaters spread around the outdoor seating area, she hadn’t felt much like putting herself through the late January temperatures when there was a perfectly warm building to sit in. Unlike most of the outdoor patrons, she unfortunately hadn’t spent the day skiing, so her body temperature and adrenaline were not acting as added heaters.

Although it was crowded outside, the inside of the coffee shop was relatively quiet. Sadie sat at one of a couple of small four-seater tables pushed up against a wall that featured a floor-to-ceiling wallpaper map of Lake Conrad.

She’d been distractedly sipping her coffee while intermittently looking at a newspaper and her phone, but had been unable to concentrate on either as she watched the door for Liam’s arrival.