Page 27 of Fate

Her eyes flashed like they always did when given such orders. She paused, her expression guarded, her eyes wide and her mouth slightly open.

Maybe she was going to refuse?But no, she obeyed, turning on her heels and walking slowly into her bedroom, one foot in front of the other.

Liam listened to the sounds of her getting undressed, and the telling movements as she lay on her bed. Anticipation built inside of him as he slowly walked toward her room.

Entering the doorway, he reached up to grab the frame, fearing that he might keel over at the sight in front of him.

Her long, lithe body lay flat on her bed, her blond hair spilling around her head like a bright aura. Liam’s mouth dried up as he gaped at her spread before him like some sort of offering. He fought the urge to senselessly jump on her in a base attempt to absorb everything about her. It was almost as if he was afraid he’d lose her if he didn’t touch her, press her into him as soon as possible. He always seemed to feel like that.

After a few long seconds, she moved her head to the side to look at him, her eyes half closed. “Are you going to come over here? Or just stare at me like a creeper?”

Her voice was husky, and Liam felt flames stir within him as he silently pulled his long sleeve T-shirt over his head, throwing it to the floor, the rest of his clothes quickly following before he crawled on the bed next to her.

Watching him, she reached her hand over and lightly grazed his chest, running her fingers through the light hairs and instantly hardening him. He closed his eyes, bracing himself as the heat inside his body threatened to overwhelm him.

His hands shot up, grabbing hold of her wrists and stopping her exploration. She relaxed into his hold as he positioned her hands over her head and swung his legs on either side of her narrow hips, straddling her.

She bit her lip, staring up at him. Her face looked pained as she moved toward his in an effort to get closer. He breathed out a laugh at the sight of her so impatient before finally giving in, moving his lips down to hers—softly at first and then much more firmly as the heat took over, crowding his brain and hardening his muscles.

Reaching down, he lightly pressed his fingers inside of her, finding her ready for him as she writhed and whimpered under his touch.

Unable to wait a second longer, he grabbed hold of himself and pushed inside of her in one steady stroke. She let out a loud cry at the feeling, and Liam let go of her hands, looking down at her with concern. Was she hurt?

No. Her hips quickly started moving against his, encouraging him forward, and although her hands were free of his hold, she kept them splayed wide at her sides, bringing on the sacrifice comparisons again.

He pushed aside his thoughts, propping himself up by his elbows on either side of her head as he moved down close to her, pushing into her heat. Although her arms stayed down, she brought her legs up to wrap around his waist as her muscles pulsed around him and she let out a loud, guttural moan.

Liam followed close behind her, falling to his side and pulling her with him. They lay there in the dark silence for a few seconds, breathing each other in. After the drinks they’d had, the sex seemed to fully push them over the edge, embracing their exhaustion.

Nudging her aside gently, he got up and pulled her white duvet out from under her and over her soft shoulder.

As he climbed under the covers with her, facing her replete face, he thought she looked like she was already asleep. He brought his hands up to move her gauzy hair from her face.

“I love you, Sadie Sullivan,” he whispered quietly, positive that she couldn’t hear him.

But her eyes cracked open into barely-there slits, and her mouth twisted into a minuscule smile. “I love you, too,” she said under her breath before her eyes closed again and she was asleep.



“Abigail,youstandoverthere,” Liam directed the small red-haired girl to stage left. She waddled over to her position carefully, wearing a giant red dress her mother had manipulated into looking like a Mrs. Claus costume. She stood between a boy in traditional Ramadan garb and a girl holding a menorah.

The eleven other first graders participating in the play were spread out on the stage, standing on their marks, wiggling and giggling in nervous excitement. The curtain wobbled back and forth a bit. The sounds of the audience talking and laughing on the other side of it were a dull roar adding to the general atmosphere of anticipation and excitement that settled over the backstage.

“I think we’re good,” Sadie said, coming up behind him and setting her hand gently on his shoulder. “Ben’s just waiting for our signal to pull the curtain, and then Elaine will start playing.”

Peeking to the far side of the stage, Liam could see Ben, the PE teacher, poised to pull the rope that would open the curtain, and gray-haired Elaine sitting at a stand-up piano, squinting at some sheet music.

“Why don’t you do the honors, Ms. Sullivan?” he murmured, looking over his shoulder at her sunny face.

She was wearing a bright red, form-fitting dress over black tights and short black boots. Her hair was loose down her back and her face was bright with excitement.

“I’d love to,” she responded quietly, pulling her bright red lips into a smile before stepping away from him to more fully face the kids. “Alright, everyone,” she called, silencing their chatter. “Quiet down and take your positions. It's showtime!” She said the last bit in a louder voice, and the group of squirming children responded with variations of squeals and excited jumps.

Sadie looked expectantly over at Ben and Elaine, holding a thumbs up at them, but Elaine’s attention was still on the music and Ben was now immersed in conversation with someone on the other side of the curtain.

Pulling away from Liam and walking deeper offstage, Sadie cleared her throat and waved her hands in wide motions, but to no avail—they weren’t paying attention.