Page 11 of Fate

Letting out a loudwhoopat a particularly good play in the game, Jake moved his arm off the couch and clapped loudly, causing Lena to jump with a jolt before her face settled into an annoyed glower.

His eyes caught on to her irritated expression, and he reached over and gently tapped her under the chin before winking at her exaggeratedly. She paused, stifling a smile before breaking to a maniacal giggle. “You’re the worst,” she said with a crooked smile and bright eyes.

“Alright, you two,” Ian interrupted, standing in front of the TV. “You know Liam, right? Annie’s friend and the principal at her school?”

“Liam,” Lena said excitedly, sitting up straight with a bright smile. “It’s so good to see you again. You remember my boyfriend, Jake? You guys met when we all ran into each other at The Golden Carafe?”

Jake got up from the couch and shook Liam’s hand with a firm grip and a slow, friendly smile.

“Hey, man, good to see you again,” he said. “Get me a beer while you’re in there, Ian.” He called the last bit out to Ian’s departing form as he made his way to the kitchen.

“Yeah, you, too,” Liam answered Jake, sinking down into the other side of the soft leather sectional while Jake returned to his spot next to Lena. “Which game is this?”

Before Jake could answer, Lena chimed in, a look of annoyance twisting her face. “Ugh, don’t get me started on this noise.”

“What are you talking about, Helena?” Jake said, affronted. “You couldn’t sleep last night, you were so excited for football and turkey.”

Shaking her head at him with a laugh, she looked at Liam seriously. “Absolutely not,” she said. “I don’t want our new friend, Liam, to get the wrong idea about me.”

“I’m with you, Lena,” Liam chimed in with an apologetic look at Jake. “I’ve never been much of a sports fan. I like to run and ski, but that’s about it.”

Jake’s face perked up in surprise. “I didn’t know you skied, man. Ian and I are going up to Stagecoach tomorrow—you should come.”

As if on cue, Ian walked into the room, handing Liam and Jake each a frosty Sierra Nevada Celebration Ale. “You ski, Liam?”

Liam felt heat rise up his neck at all the attention, and he laughed nervously and rubbed his palms on his pants. “Yeah, well, this is Lake Conrad. Who doesn’t ski?”

“Idon’t ski,” Lena said confidently. She seemed to be smothering a smile as she said it, and Jake rolled his eyes, stretching his arm over her shoulders again.

“Oh….” Liam was saved from answering by the sound of a loud knock at the front door.

“That must be Sadie,” Annie’s muffled voice called out from the kitchen. “Ian, will you get the door?”

The oxygen seemed to drain out of the room as Ian walked out. Lena and Jake were talking about something on the other side of the couch, but Liam wasn’t listening. He was too distracted by the ringing in his ears and the cold sweat breaking out on his neck. He had no idea why he was freaking out.This isn’t high school.

Thoughts of Sadie drenched by the bright overhead lights and the gentle fall of snowflakes as she stood in the empty, dark parking lot flashed through his mind. Her long blond hair had streamed down her back, the snowflakes that coated it catching the light.

She was so beautiful. It seemed for a few minutes last night that he’d been able to forget about all his hang ups with her. He was able to just be himself with her, and it had seemed like they had just … clicked.

Now she’s here. And Liam couldn’t breathe. Excitement at the thought of being in the same room battled with annoyance at his over-the-top reaction as he shifted in his seat a bit.

He heard Ian open the door and greet her, and the timbre of her low, sultry voice floated into the room, burrowing somewhere deep inside of him. He held his breath, listening to her timid footsteps enter the room.

“Hey, guys.” She spoke the words from behind him, her voice strained and thin.

Liam’s heart jumped up and down in anticipation as he finally allowed himself to turn and look at her.

Of course, she looked gorgeous in a deep teal sweater, smooth black leggings, and tall gray socks. Her long, straight blond hair fell in long sheets down her back, and her blue eyes were bright and searching as they settled on each of them.

All Liam could muster was a slight raise of his beer in her direction, but Jake and Lena immediately stopped talking at the sight of her. When Liam glanced over at them, their faces were tight-lipped and closed off.

“Hi, Sadie,” Lena finally greeted her neutrally, and Jake only gave her a tight nod, each of them immediately re-focusing on the football game and the drawing pad, respectively.

What’s that all about?Liam wondered. Jake and Lena had been jumping out their seats to greet him, but they treated Sadie like she’d arrived to tell them that Thanksgiving was canceled.

Sadie quietly sat on the couch next to Liam, the smooth leather sinking down slightly under her weight. He looked up at her then, offering her a slight smile. Her blue eyes glowed when they connected with his, and Liam lost his damn breath again. She smelled slightly of cinnamon and was as smoothed and polished as usual.

He could hear Annie and Ian in the kitchen laughing at something, but otherwise, with the exception of the sounds from the football game, it was silent.