There’s a sharp rap on the passenger side window, and I jump, twisting around.

A pretty young woman with strawberry blonde hair waves at us.

Justin groans. “And that’s my sister.” He gestures at the low-lying apartment building just ahead. “That’s where I live, and we’re being ambushed.”

I smooth my hands over my flaming cheeks, then push the door open. “Hi,” I say cautiously. “I’m Abby.”

“I’m Jenna,” she says, holding out her hand. Then she shakes her head, rolls her eyes, and holds out both arms. “Can we hug? We’re going to be sisters.”

Before I can process the weight of that word—sisters—she has her arms around me, squeezing gently but firmly. “Sorry for interrupting the kiss,” she says as she steps back, pivoting to hug her brother. “But in my defense, I didn’t know you’d be swapping spit in daylight hours.”

“What are you doing here?” Justin asks, ruffling her hair. Seeing them side by side makes the family resemblance even stronger. “I told you I’d call when we arrived.”

“And I ignored that, because we have a lot to talk about.” She breaks away from him, gesturing to the truck. “You’ve got the bags? Because I need Abby.”

Then she grabs my hand and pulls me down the block. There’s a path into the apartment complex just ahead, and she charges forward like she knows exactly where she’s going.

She pulls a key from her pocket, ignoring Justin’s bark behind us, and lets us in the locked gate.

“Do you do this a lot?” I ask, trying not to laugh.

“Show up at my brother’s unannounced? Yes. But I’ll probably stop if the daytime kissing is going to be a regular thing.”

I press my lips together. “Probably will be, yeah.”

She sighs. “I suppose that makes sense.” Then she suddenly stops just before the entrance to the building. “You know he’s a lot older than you, right? Did he make that clear?”

My head is spinning. “Yes?”

“Are you sure?” She lowers her voice. “He’s thirty-six.”

“I’m aware.”

“Because you look my age.”

“I’m…” I take a deep breath. “I think I’m a year older than you?”

She wrinkles her nose. “Okay, we’re not going to dwell on that being weird.”

“It’s not weird for me,” I offer.


By this time, Justin has caught up to us. “Jenna, you cannot kidnap my bride.”

That’s my job, is the unspoken end to that statement as he glances at me.Are you okay?

I take his hand. “She just wanted to make sure I wasn’t taking advantage of you.”

He barks a laugh. “Pretty sure it was the opposite.”

“It was,” Jenna offers confidently.

“Mmm. Thanks for stopping just short of showing her my apartment before I could.”

“Of course.” She lets him lead the way, trailing behind me. “So I have a plan for tomorrow, but I want to take Abby dress shopping this afternoon.”

A wedding dress.