“And I know you need someone in your corner. I can protect you.”

“By marrying me?”


“That’s quite the offer.”

“That’s not why I said it.” I scrub my hand over my face. “Not the whole reason.”

“What’s the rest of the reason?”

“You’re mine.”

“This is wild.”

I can’t tell what she means by that.Tell her you love her. Tell her about the chairs.

But now I’m stumbling over my words. “I know this is out of left field. This isn’t how I saw my leave going, either. But we’re in a time crunch here.” Did that sound rational? Maybe too rational. Definitely not romantic.Fuck.

I’m not sure I’m coming at this from a place of reason. But this feels so right. So fucking right, and the thought of leaving her in a few days is deeply, desperately wrong.

But can I tell her I’m in love with her when we’re both naked? There will be time for romance later. When I take her to the farmers’ market.I should have waited to propose then. Not when she’s naked, her pussy glistening with arousal.

She blinks up at me from under her heavy, sooty eyelashes. For a natural blonde, her eyelashes are so dark…

“What are you thinking about right now? Your face just went all wicked.”

I grin, relieved to be back on firmer ground. “The gorgeous blonde curls between your legs, and the fact your eyelashes are darker than that softness…”

Her cheeks pink up. “Justin!”

“What? I can propose to you, but I can’t talk about how fucking sweet your little body is?”

“You can’t propose to me.” She nudges me with her toe. “But you can talk about my body.”

She’s trying to say that this is all we get. She’s mine, but only temporarily. I catch her ankle again, and this time I press her leg up into the air, then out. If I can’t find the words to explain to her why she should be my wife, I can fucking show her with my mouth. “Show me your pussy.”

Her blush deepens. She bites her lower lip, and those eyelashes sweep low again.

But she tilts her hips and shows me the slippery gash I’ve already laid claim to twice.

One more condom to go. Maybe we’ll head into Conception Ridge a day or two early. Stay at my brother’s place…no.

Rent an AirBnB. Something with privacy.

I bite her thigh, just above her knee.


There’s no fucking way the woman who gaspsDaddylike that, forme, isn’t meant to be my wife.

“You’re just too delicious,” I say shamelessly.

She wiggles, clearly wanting my mouth higher up her leg. “Do you like the way I taste?”

The innocent sing-song voice makes me hard as nails. And bold.

I lick my way up her soft flesh, stopping just short of where we both want my mouth. “Why won’t you marry me?”