
Stacia is a puzzle I can’t solve, and as I drive us toward my ultimate getaway, I can’t help but try to figure her out.

I shouldn’t be this twisted up over any woman, especially when my parents are negotiating my marriage to someone else.

This vacation is a last resort, a chance to come to terms with my fate or find a way out. I'm fully aware this is either going to be my best idea or worst.

I feel like a man cornered, out of options and running on adrenaline and prayer.But somehow, with my mind trying to uncover the truth about Stacia, all that stress fades into the background.

Her car is a disgrace, she'd packed her clothing in old gym bags that held a hint of must, and her beet-red face when she drove past me told me she's not proud of where she is in life - not that I'd ever judge. I have money, but I'm well aware I'm lucky as well as hardworking. I've known plenty of hardworking, good people who've just been beat down in life. I never take my wealth for granted or think I am anything other than lucky. My brother might disagree, because he's always been the first to say we're self-made, but I think anyone with our ideas, drive, and most importantly, opportunity, could have found success like ours if the stars aligned. Plus, she’s young. So very young and shiny I know I have no business even looking at her the way I have been.

I keep driving as we sit in silence. I’m not sure how much time has passed when we finally stop, but the relief in Stacia's face tells me she's glad for the chance to stretch her legs. We’re in the closest town to my getaway, a quaint, tiny place surrounded by beautiful old-growth trees, moss-covered grounds, and beautiful forests. Every time I'm here, I remind myself I've never been anywhere this beautiful.

"It's so pretty here," Stacia says as I stand up and see her scanning the town and beyond. The lush green hills, seemingly never-ending trees, and vast wilderness calms my senses.

The town is probably only a couple hundred people. Everything is quaint and perfect, and there's not a Starbucks in sight, which makes me smile. I park my car in front of a gorgeous little house, the kind of place I like to call a cottage even though it has three bedrooms and a pool. The house is set back from the road and has a wide lawn, with towering trees in the backyard and tire swings.

Valerie - my brother's wife - comes rushing out and throws her arms around me. "We didn't know you were coming - Scott isn't here."

I lift a shoulder, letting her go and glancing at the front of the house. "No worries. I'm headed up to the cabin."

Valerie nods, her eyes filled with understanding and pity. "I heard the news. I wish you all the best. Did you need the keys?" She sways her body toward the house, like she's going to go back in.

I shake my head. "I have my set. Just wanted to give you guys the head's up."

Valeria glances toward Stacia, her lips curving at the corners.

"Don't worry, we won't interrupt." With a wink, she shoves my shoulder playfully before glancing toward the house. "I think they're awake. I have to go. I'll tell Scott. Love you!" She gives me another quick hug before bolting back into the house.

I walk back to my car, my gaze locking on Stacia’s. Her brows are up, her eyes asking questions her lips don’t seem able to vocalize.

“My brother’s wife. The cabin is mine, but they use it sometimes too. Didn’t want to ruin any last-minute romantic plans they might have thought up.” I can’t hold back a chuckle. Three kids later and it’s obvious they can’t keep their hands off one another.

We both load back up and I take the main road until it splits off into a quiet residential neighborhood. From there, it’s a scenic drive as the houses become fewer and fewer.

“It’s really nice out here,” she says softly.

“I think so too.” This cabin is my escape from the world and has gotten me through some moments I thought too difficult to face.

I take my turn and the road narrows into a single lane before leading to a gate. Pulling my keys from the center console of my car, I press the button to open the gate and drive through. The trees, lush and dense, allow sunlight to splash through, lighting up the moss in beautiful rays that catch dancing flecks of pollen and dust.

I hear her breath catch as I keep driving. The black asphalt road stretches out before us before giving way to a single-lane concrete bridge. I drive over and follow the curve of the road as she practically plasters herself to the window, staring out like a child seeing Disneyland for the first time.

When the rocky, 20-foot cliff face comes into view with the cascading waterfall falling into the bright blue pool below, she gasps. The wide waterfall gives way to mostly mist halfway down the fall, but the never-ending crash of water filters into the car as I turn off the car.

Stacia opens her door and stands up and I follow a half-heartbeat behind. I see her wide-open mouth, her stunned features, and the excitement in her eyes as she studies my hide out.

“Just wait; it gets better,” I say softly before grabbing her bag, slinging it over my shoulder, and heading for the rock face to our left. To the right, the pool stretches out before flowing away down the river in rushing white rapids. Stepping past the rockface, I watch her take my side as the corridor – carved out of the rock – leads us to the well-treated glass-and-cherry front door.

“There’s no door handle.” Her soft words echo intimately off the rock around us and I pull out the keys. With the touch of a button, the door swings open for us and I motion her inside first. She steps over the threshold, her steps echoing on the natural stone flooring that’s actually part of the rock all around us.

I’d had a very talented engineer carve out this space with as much of the natural beauty kept intact as possible, and the space feels like home. I scan the windows that hide behind the waterfall, but give us a beautiful view of the natural pool, the river, and the mossy-lined forest beyond.

She turns to face me, her expression stunned as she studies me. “This is incredible,” she whispers.

“Let me show you around,” I say. The waterfall stretches a good twenty feet and the length of the home splits the space beautifully between a living area, kitchen and dining area, and master bedroom. It’s not a huge space, but it feels like it with all the windows opening up to the natural beauty around us. Every room offers floor-to-ceiling windows carved into the cliff face and views of the waterfall, pool, river, forest, or some combination of the four.

“This bathroom is insane,” she says as she studies the jetted tub placed before the windows.