“I wonder if we should start a Survivor Support group.” Nathan breezes into the room and drops a quick kiss on my lips before glancing at my phone where the news report’s volume plays loudly.

“Honestly, that might be a good thing for a lot of people. I wouldn't knock it.”

Nathan arches an eyebrow at me. “What made you think I was knocking it? I wasn't kidding. That monster ruined a lot of lives. I feel like we got very, very lucky, all things considered.”

I wholeheartedly agree, but feel like Nathan is responsible for a lot of my good luck in that situation. Now that we're married happily and together and have ironed out all the kinks - except, well, you know,thosekinks - he's made it a point to go back through, pay off all my debts and even offered for me to go back to school for whatever I want whenever I'm ready.

Every step of the way, Nathan has been very, very careful to just take care of me, to love me through my bad moments, my good moments and everything in between. The man is amazing and I thank my lucky stars that he happened into my life and that I said yes to his crazy fake fiancée scheme.

“Oh, one second, phone call”, Nathan says, pulling his ringing phone out of his pocket and bringing it to his ear.

I can't help but revel in how open our relationship is, that we have no secrets from one another and that we have no fears sharing everything. I've told Nathan all my fears, my hopes, my dreams, my embarrassing moments that I've never told anyone. Like that time in 3rd grade when Joshua Williams pulled my pants down in front of everyone on the playground and laughed at me for having blue dinosaur underwear and how I spent the rest of that year being called a boy because I had boy underwear on, when in all honesty I just liked dinosaurs as a kid.

This response to that story is that he also thinks dinosaurs are amazing, so we're on the same page.

Nathan nods his head back and forth like he's getting annoyed with whoever he's talking to, before pulling the phone away from his ear and putting it on speaker. I recognize Lewis's voice the second I hear him talk.

“The new nanny is supposed to start soon, and I'm hoping that she's good for Kevin. I'm really appreciative of you, man, for doing this for me.” Lewis sounds truly grateful, but Nathan has another idea, judging by the heated look in his eyes as his gaze lingers on my body.

I give himdon't even think about itlook and he wiggles his eyebrows suggestively, as if not even noticing my expression. I love that we've been together for six months now and our hunger for one another hasn't waned in the slightest.

“Of course, Lewis. I'm happy to help however I can. I know that things with Karen were tough for you, but that's over now and hopefully you can move on and things will get better for both you and Kevin.” These words remind me about Karen and that jealousy I'd felt when I thought he was spending more time with her.

I feel a little bad for that jealousy, but I had told Nathan about it and he told me that was a good indicator that I'd had feelings for him and if I told him sooner, we could have discussed it so that I would know there was absolutely nothing between him and Karen.

I've since learned that Karen was in love with Lewis, but blew her shot with him when she brought his kid into the crossfire. Nathan and Karen's time spent together was mostly spent talking about Lewis's life in general and what they should do now with the general messes in their lives. I also know that I owe her a lot more than I ever expected, because it was her idea for him to take me. When he'd said that in the beginning, I thought it was just his way of putting me at ease, but I've since learned that it was actually her idea.

Now I joke at the thought of Karen thinking that I'd keep Nathan out of trouble when I turned out to be the biggest trouble in his life, in a manner of speaking.

“Alright, I'm going to let you go now, Lewis. You have a good day. Goodbye.” Nathan raises his eyebrows and shifts his whole body back and forth, as if he can make Lewis hurry up, shut up, and end the phone call. I hold back a giggle at his antics and realize I'm just so completely happy with life, with this man, with everything that's happened for us and to us.

Lewis finally says his goodbyes and Nathan hangs up the phone with exaggerated motion that makes me giggle. He tosses his phone on the bed with a smile at me. “I thought that was going to take forever. It felt like it took forever.”

Then he pounces on me and starts kissing from just above my knee, up my thigh, along the outer part of my hip and along my belly. “I'd much rather be enjoying you,” he murmurs before tasting my skin.

“You stop that,” I say as a familiar burst of heat spreads like wildfire through my body.

He shoots me a look like I've completely lost my mind. “Now why would I do a thing like that?” With a slight snort, he gets back to kissing, licking, nibbling and tasting me. With every passing second, I can feel my resolve weakening and I want nothing more than for him to do exactly what it is he wants to do to me.

Nathan’s phone rings. He ignores it and after three rings, the caller gives up and the phone goes silent, only to start ringing again immediately. With a growl, he rolls off me and flops on his back, grabbing his phone with the other hand and saying “what”before ever even answering the phone.

“Hello,” he says in a tone that tells me he's contemplating murder and whoever’s on the other end better watch out.

I can't hold back a giggle. I'd be lying if I said that his desire for me didn't boost my self-confidence. I love how much he wants me and I want him just as badly, even when I’m telling him to knock it off.

“Yes, Mom, we saw the news. I'm glad you're happy. We're all so excited. It's wonderful that he's getting what's coming to him.” The annoyance in Nathan's voice can’t possibly be missed, and I hear his mother laughing on the other end of the line. I have no doubt she is fully aware that she's interrupting something and doesn't care.

Any shred of doubt that I might have is completely washed away when I hear her say, “So. When are you going to make me some grandbabies?”

With a laugh, I get up and walk into the master bathroom of the cabin. Nathan and I haven't really discussed having kids. We're not sure where we stand on that. He's a little bit older than I am, which doesn't really bother me, but it does make the prospect of having children a little bit more frightening.

I clearly hear him from the other room. “Ma, it's been six months. Give us some time, OK?”

There's a pause, and I keep listening, filled with amusement at this conversation.

“I know I'm not getting any younger, but that doesn't mean we need to rush into anything.”

And is giving him a hard time, and I love that this is the one thing that seems to make him feel slightly off balance. I'd never pushed him into having kids. I'm not even sure I want any myself. I mean, maybe, but we have the whole future ahead of us to make those kinds of decisions.