The second I'm inside I slam the door closed, slide the deadbolt home and lock the chain before pressing my back to the door and gulping for air. My body feels paralyzed, my lungs are burning, and my thoughts are racing.

I can't be completely certain, but I'm reasonably sure that I just saw Logan standing in the parking lot, watching my every move before flashing me an evil smile. Terror and ice water fill my veins as I try to decide what to do next. I race across the room to my bed, pick up my phone and dial Nathan's number before I can get a handle on myself.

Nathan answers on the first ring. “Hello, Stacia.” His warm, rich voice almost puts me at ease.

“Nathan, I think I just saw him.”

Instantly, his tone shifts. “Are you safe? Would you like me to come get you? Do you need help?”

“I think I'm safe. My door is locked. I don't know.” My brain is mush and I can't process what's happening. How did he find me? Who told him where I'm at? He couldn't have possibly tracked me down. Could he have?

“Stacia, I can come right now if you need me.” Nathan's comforting voice on the other end of the line has me breathing a little bit more normally.

“It might not have been him. I might just be overreacting and on edge.” I take several deep breaths and try to calm myself down.

“Is it worth the risk of being wrong?” Despite his inflammatory words, Nathan's tone is very, very calm.

I ponder his question for a moment and the implications of having him come here and see where I live. His mother might have been accepting, but what if he's not?

Is it worth the risk of losing him?

Chapter Seventeen


My mother’s message stops me up – it’s an address, followed by a terse message.She looked terrified. I would have stopped, but I think she needs you.

My mother went and saw Stacia?

And Stacia didn’t tell me?

Still, I’m pacing back and forth, worried about the woman I care about and the potential stalker ex-boyfriend harassing the woman I love.

Before I know what I’m doing, I’m in my car, the GPS taking me directly to Stacia’s address.

I pull into the downtrodden motel not long after and I’m struck with memories. We’d come to a place like this not long after losing everything and fleeing the states. In mind’s eye, I remember the sense of dread, the hit to my pride, but also the sense that we could rebuild.

And we had. Starting from the top, crashing into the dirt, then rebuilding our lives had to be the most empowering experience of our lives. It proved we were able to take on life, and win. Sure, I still believe that luck played a huge part, but we did work hard, too.

I get out of my car and lock it up before heading to the red door marked with Stacia’s number. Scanning the area around me, I keep my guard up, ready for anything. On the way, I send her a text that I’m here.

She doesn’t respond. But as I approach her door, she opens it. I see the fear and shyness in her eyes, and feel the vulnerability rolling off her. She’s afraid of what I might think of her.

I walk in close and scoop her up in my arms. With a squeak, she winds her arms around my shoulders and her legs around my hips, clinging to me. I shove the door closed with my foot and she stretches back to lock the bolt.

Then her lips meet mine and her scent fills my senses, more intoxicating than any wine, more fragrant than any botanical garden, more mouthwatering than my favorite comfort dish on a hard day.

Her lips part and our tongues meet as my body reacts to her. Thoughts fall away as the playful nature of her tongue turnsintoa passion for my taste.

By the time we come up for air, my cock is hard and she's digging the fingers of both hands into my shoulders. My hand cup her ass and my body craves her more than I've ever craved anyone.

As she takes a deep breath and looks at me, her eyes wide and her cheeks flush. " I didn't mean to get carried away."

I grin up at her, loving the way she feels in my arms. "I hope it's okay if I did." I shift my hips and her weight a little, so she can feel just how much I liked her kiss.

She smiles and blushes, then does the sweetest thing. She darts her head forward and presses her lips to the pulse in my neck. The velvet softness of her damp tongue traces the spot and my vision starts to go red. Nobody has ever done that to me before, but damn, I like it.

She inhales and when she lifts her head, she grins up at me. "I love that you're hard for me." Then she stretches and licks from my Adam's apple to my cheek. "But we shouldn't do this." I feel her nervous energy, the way her body trembles, and I know what's coming next. "I have to keep reminding myself this is all fake."