I turn to go back inside when my brother’s voice cuts through the air. “Don’t do this. Don't fuck up your life for some young thing who's going to leave you when she gets bored or only marries you for the money.”

I stop moving, my back snapping straight and my fists curling closed. I turn and stalk back to my brother, who's poised ready to fight if I throw a hook. Instead, I throw words. "I'll do what I damn well please, just like you did when you knocked Valerie up and left her."

Rage fills his features. "I didn't know. You know that!"

"And you damn well didn't ask, did you?" I poke a finger into his chest. "You have no right to judge me or guilt me using the family. You do what you want, you always have. And sure, you dug the family out, but so did I. I know what’s right for me. I know what I want. I make my own decisions. Now kindly fuck off.”

His features seem to soften. “I’m only looking out for you. Making sure you don’t do something you’ll regret,” he says.

“So am I, Scott.” I point a finger at him as I glance toward the windows of my cabin. “I’m looking out for me.”

He's going to be pissed if he ever finds out. Of course, I don't plan for any of them to ever learn the truth. But damn it, Scott got his happily ever after with the woman he loves - don't I deserve the same?

I don't get it. Why can't I have my happy ending?

Why do I have to settle for the girl my parents want because she has money? Don't I deserve happiness and love too, like Scott?

Life is about what we make it, isn't it?

And I'm going to make mine perfect.

Even if it's the last thing I do.

I’m a grown ass man and I’ll do what I want.

And tonight, I'll do what I want.

My girl is waiting for me.

And I’m going to make her mine.

Even if I have to wait for her forever.

"I just worry you're not thinking this through." Scott throws the words like a punch.

With a chuckle, I touch my nose. "Like you thought through knocking up Valerie that first time?"

I see the flash of movement and know his fist is coming for my face.

I catch his blow in my hand, wrapping my fingers and squeezing with enough force to make him wince. After all these years, he's not faster than me. "You forget all those fights you used to get me in, brother?" I ask. I might be getting older, but some things never go away. Like riding a bike, I'll never forget how to defend my life or the life of someone I love.

Shoving his hand with all my weight, I watch him stumble back a step.

"Don't you dare hit me, Scott," I growl out.

My brother sighs and shakes his head. "Tell yourself whatever you want, Nathan. But you know I'm right."

"It's my life," I reply.

I do know he's right. I might end up making the biggest mistake of my life, but it is my life.

That's why I have to do this. I have to have a chance at happiness.

I have to have a chance to prove him wrong.

And I will.

Because even if Stacia hasn't figured it out yet, we're meant to be. Age gap be damned, financial divide be damned, position be damned, I have no doubt she's made for me. And I'll do anything to prove it to her... and win her love.