He's right, but some secrets are best kept hidden. "Do you want kids?"

His eyebrows shoot up, then he seems to realize that it's a conversation we should have.

Chapter Nine


I like that she seems to be taking our fake engagement seriously. She's a master at dodging any revelations about her past, but she's asking smart questions - questions my parents will expect me to know the answers to. "Yes, I want kids. How about you?"

She nods, chewing her food. I'd noticed her eyes light up when she saw the steak and knew I'd chosen well. I have to admit, knowing she likes some of my favorite foods thrills me in ways I didn't expect.

She swallows and answers. "Yes. Two. Maybe three."

"Stay at home mom or work outside the home?" I know it's a delicate question, but she's been a great sport so far.

"Either or. I don't have a preference at this time." She smiles at me. "Long engagement or short?"

"Don't care, but for the sake of this particular arrangement, probably long." The realization that this is all fake hits me and I find myself wishing it was real. She's so easy to talk to, to get along with, and I want her more than I can remember wanting anyone for a long time. "TV or books?"

"Both have a place in my heart. I love trashy romance novels, funny sitcoms, and epic fantasy movies." She tears into her food, clearly waiting for my response to the same question.

"I also read, but I tend to go for nonfiction that'll teach me something. I love cooking shows, documentaries, and most movie genres and will watch almost anything if I'm in the mood." I take a bite of my steak, well aware I'd barely touched my food. I'm much more focused on her.

"Good answer," she says. "What are your top three life goals right now? Mine are building savings, getting into the place of my dreams, and marrying someone I love, of course." she winks at me with the last one, telling me it's the for-show answer she has to give. Which I don't mind.

"Building the family business, getting married, starting a family. I feel like I'm running out of time." My answer is not fake and I see her studying me and figuring that out.

She nods, her expression thoughtful as she takes another bite.

"Favorite food, drink, and color?" Back to basics, but they're important not just for our engagement, but everything I'm planning to make this look as real as possible.

She gestures at her plate. "Steak, hot green tea, and forest green."

I can't hold back a grin. "Same - steak, scotch, and navy blue." We're similar, yet so refreshingly different.

I notice her embarrassed expression. "You meant drink like alcohol."

I shake my head. "I want to know you. If you prefer green tea, then that's the answer I want."

A smile lights up her features.

I tip my glass to her and take a drink. "So what's your favorite flower and why?"

"My favorite flowers are irises." She gets brave and mixes mashed potatoes with a bite of steak, a thoughtful expression on her face.

I smile. "Same, but I'm not much of a flower guy. Favorite movie?"

"I said fantasy. How do you expect me to pick one title?"

"That was unfair of me, I apologize," I say and she giggles. "This is going to be harder than I thought."

She pauses, her gaze locking on me. "What is?"

I gesture between us, indicating our arrangement.

"Why?" she asks, fear surfacing in her eyes.

"You seem to be the perfect person for me. I want to know more about you, but I don't want to seem too nosy, and I worry that you're only going to prove to be more perfect for me."