“That's what friends are for. I'm here if you need me, just call.”

His eyes crinkled at the corners. “I know that your fiancé is at home waiting for you, so I won't keep you any longer, but again, I am grateful for your help.”

We say our quick goodbyes and I think about coming home to Stacia. I also make a quick mental note to look into a nanny for Kevin, because I think a good gift for my friend would be to get him set up and started. That way all he has to do is take over when he's ready or decides it's not a good fit.

We part ways and I make my way to Stacia, my heart doing a little dance the entire drive.

Chapter Twenty-One


There's something bothering her; I can see it in her eyes, the way she hangs her head, the slight downward slump of her shoulders.

She reminds me of a woman broken, but I can't imagine why.

But now with everyone gone and just the two of us here having fun, she’s suddenly back to her old self.

I can see the challenge in her eyes and in the tilt of her chin as she dares me to come get her. That she thinks she's safe. I take a few small steps toward her, letting her get comfortable that she has a while before there’s any real danger. Her gaze follows me, her eyes widening slightly, that little slight grin never leaving her lips.

One thing's for sure, marrying this girl has taught me that I do want to spend the rest of my life with her. The question is, how do I get her on board?

It took everything in me not to ask her to make this real again when I questioned how she was doing because she looked so sad at the reception. I had to wonder if it was my own hope that made me think that her sadness had anything to do with the fake part of our relationship. I'm internally grateful to her for saving me from a loveless marriage, but part of me wonders if what I'm putting her through isn't fair, even with the extra compensation I've added for her time. What kind of compensation covers heartbreak, heartache and sadness?

I take a few more steps toward her until I'm ready to start moving up the bank. The water is cool, refreshing and feels wonderful on my overheated body. She takes a step back, as if worried I'm going to suddenly rush her.

Clearly she has good instincts.

I take another step in her direction. With every emotion I make, I can see her excitement rising, see her pulse pounding at the base of her throat, see the wild look in her eyes, and know that she is ready for whatever happens next.

I know she might be worried about getting her gown wet, but I don't care. We can clean the damn dress. I'm not worried about anything other than her having a good night and getting rid of whatever sadness still lingers in her eyes.

With one more slow step, I see something else. Snagger attention, and she turns and glances away. I take that moment to rush toward her, scooping her up in my arms. She squeals, her arms sliding around my shoulders as I turn and take her back toward the water.

“Don't,” she says, and I stop in place.

I meet her gaze and see the very real fear in her expression. “I don't want to drown; this dress would be so heavy wet.”

“You think I'd let you drown?” I ask. “I would never let anything bad happen to you. If it's within my power, I will protect you from anything, anyone, anytime, forever.”

She inhales her wide eyes, searching mine as if seeking the truth. But that's the rub of it; I'm telling her the truth.

“How do we get you out of this?” I ask, placing her carefully on her feet but keeping an arm around her waist so she can't take off.

Her shy answer surprises me. “I'm not wearing anything under this, Nathan, except perfume.”

The words have a profound effect on my body and I'm instantly ready for her. They reach for the zipper in the middle of her back and start working it down. The fabric peels away on either side of her body, revealing her back an inch at a time. I take in her creamy skin, wishing that my lips could follow the path of the material falling away to reveal her to me.

With the zipper all the way down, I lower the material, giving it a gentle shake, and she steps out of it, revealing her naked backside to me. I toss the dress and heap on the grass. Moving slow and carefully, I scoop her up and she lets out a squeal of surprise. I rushed toward the water, taking both of us in. We go under in a cloud of bubbles before reaching the surface.

“You said it wasn't cold.” She splashes water in my face and I let out a hearty laugh.

“It’s not cold, it's cool.”

We swim for a few moments, enjoying the water, each other, the waterfall, and our time together. When her chin starts to quiver, I scoop her up and walk out of the water with her. Without even breathing heavily, I carry her toward the house through the open door, and to the master bath. I take her into the shower and turn on the hot water and as the room fills with steam, I can’t hold back any longer.

I press my lips to hers, and she exhales through her nose. “I want you,” I whisper against her lips as hot water cascades over us, bringing our limbs tingling back to life.

“I want you to,” she says as I pick her up and press her back against the wall in the shower box. “You don't have to do this, you know. I know it's all fake. There's nobody here to convince, and I’m pretty sure they all believe it anyway.”