My ex would have flat out refused to pick any feminine hygiene items up from the store for me even if I begged.

This man did it without me even asking, just because he knew that I had started and would need those things. Heck, maybe he didn't even know. He could have assumed I packed them, but just decided to make sure that I had what I needed just in case. It's such a selfless, grown up, kind gesture on his part that I'm stunned.

“Thank you,” I say, well aware that I need to step back into the shower. Feeling certain that he wouldn't take offense to me suddenly ditching him, I turn the shower on and step back in the box, feeling relieved about how the whole situation has gone down. That could have been so much worse and so much more embarrassing. But with Nathan, things were just comfortable, natural. Like we've done this a million times.

Through the glass I see him walk over to the sink and put two boxes down on the counter.

“Thank you,” I say again, feeling like a broken record.

“Don't mention it,” he says, turning as if to leave. “Do you need anything else before I go?”

“I don’t think so.” I’m grateful for him, but I don’t know how to say it without sounding foolish.

Chapter Thirteen


It’s been a week since Stacia and I spent time at my cabin and I’m fighting the urge to dig into her life. Usually, I’d have a P.I. friend of mine dig up everything on a prospective mate, but for some reason, this time, that feels wrong.

I know she has secrets. But who am I to demand them? What right do I have to dig into her life when she’s not willing – or ready – to share that info with me yet?

“Are you even listening to me?” I hear the annoyance in my brother’s voice and sit back in my office chair.

“Not at all.” Since our last scathing conversation, things between us have been a bit rocky.

“Look, I’m sorry. I can disagree with your life choices without being a dick. I should have kept my opinions to myself.”

I nod my head, watching the office door and thinking about Stacia working in her office a few doors away.

“Sounds like Valerie told you to patch things up between us. You’ve never been one to hold back your opinions on anything I do.” I roll my neck, trying to work out the tension that’s come with not sleeping well. Things have been nearly radio silence between Valerie and I. We’re both careful to keep work professional, and we’ve yet to meet up outside work, though we have had a couple of conversations via phone calls and text.

Scott snorts. “Well, she’s right. You’re my brother. We swore a long time ago to never let a woman or a problem come between us.”

That we did.

“I’m glad we’re on that same wavelength again.” Fixing things between us is a weight off my shoulders. Maybe he won’t ever agree with my choice to be with a younger woman, but it won’t come between us. Besides, if Stacia decides to walk away when all is said and done, he can be relieved.

Scott chuckles. “As am I. You’re my brother, I love you. You’re also a dumbass.”

I can hear the affection in Scott’s voice and lift a shoulder. “Yeah, I am a dumbass.” I know he thinks I’m making the wrong choice, but he doesn’t know the whole story. Hard to fault him when he doesn’t know everything.

“Now can we talk shop?” Scott asks.

As soon as he says the words, my office door opens. I meet Stacia’s worried eyes and shut my brother down while sitting upright in my chair. “Actually, now is not a good time.”

He hears my urgency and does the brotherly thing. “Talk to you later.”

“Yep.” I hang up the call and give her my full attention.

“Can we talk?” she asks.

“Of course.”

She slips in and closes the door behind her while I try not to remember how intimate things were last time she’d come in here, the day I’d asked her to come to my cabin. As she approaches the other side of my desk and perches on the edge of the chair, I find myself worried she’s about to call off the fake engagement.

Her phone chimes and I see her physically wince. Taking in her tired expression, the dark circles under her eyes, and her general discomfort, a sudden burst of protectiveness fills me.

I want to ask if she’s okay, but I want her to feel comfortable opening up to me without me pushing her to do so. So instead of asking, I wait, let her get her bearings, and gather up her courage to speak.