She hesitates, clearly thinking, before her expression falls as if I'm not the answer to her problems. "I don't think so, but thank you."

"So can you go with me?" I ask, watching her every motion very carefully, suddenly intrigued by her. I'd been so careful to avoid her for fear of being seen as 'that' boss. I've never harassed an employee and I want to make sure I keep up my image as an aboveboard man, and an employer who respects everyone who works for him.

She stares at the floor, her voice lowering as she grabs one arm above the elbow and lets the other hang. There's discomfort in her stance, but I can't quite decode why. Am I making her uncomfortable?

"I-I don't know… I have a lot of work to do to get this company in order. I'm not sure I can afford to take time off."

"Do it on company time," I tell her. "I'll gladly pay you for assisting me at double your current rate."

Her eyes widen and she gasps, her hand flying up to her throat as if she can stop the noise after the fact. I can tell she's wavering, and I take the opportunity to lean forward in my chair, lowering my voice and trying to put her at ease.

I catch her scent, a hint of vanilla and something sweet. "I won't ask again, Stacia, and I'm not going to pressure you," I say before standing up and moving toward her. She watches me approach, her wide blue eyes locked on mine. Her brilliant red hair catches the light in my office and I notice the few freckles smattered across her adorable nose.

With every passing second, I’m becoming more and more interested in her. What makes her tick? What is she hiding? And will she tell me no?

She leans in close enough I can feel the heat of her body.

"I won’t ask again, but I want you to come with me." Karen's a good judge of character, and if she saw something in Stacia, I trust her judgement.

Her pupils dilate, then shrink, and I feel an unexpected flutter of attraction. I'm not sure why I want her to come with me so much right now. But then, I don't question it.

I feel something pulling me toward her, and I follow the feeling. I've learned to trust my gut, and now that I'm not keeping her at arm's length, I can't deny the pull between us.

"So, what do you say?" I ask, my voice a growling whisper. Does she feel this tug between us too? And what trouble could she possibly be in? Not drugs, I doubt she’s much of a gambler, she doesn’t have the warning signs of an alcoholic… so what could she be hiding? The more I learn about her, the more I want to know.

She swallows hard, staring up at me like prey in the clutches of a predator.

Chapter Two


He's staring at me, clearly waiting for an answer. An answer I can't give, because if I go on vacation with this man, things are going to get heated, quick. I've been drooling over Nathan since I started working here, but he barely seems to notice I exist. Which I'd count as a blessing in any other work setting, but my crush on him has had me internally begging for his attention since I started here.

And I am not an attention-seeker.

Something about him draws me in; I don't know what it is though. I mean, he’s older than I am by kind of a lot, which is weird for me. I’ve never been into silver foxes. But he's got this confidence about him that I can't even begin to understand. Like he knows exactly where he is going in life and he knows life will work out perfectly.

That hasn't been my experience, however.

Can I trust him though? Being alone with him on vacation when I don't really know him all that well... I really don't know. The offer is sweet and he's been nothing but nice - if distant - to me. There's probably nothing I can do to change his mind though. I can either go on vacation with him, or I can keep my head down and quietly do my job, all the while internally begging him to notice me.

He's still watching me.

I bite my lip, my heart speeding up when he leans in closer, his face just inches from mine. He doesn't say a word, but he doesn't have to. I know I'm keeping him waiting, which might be a very stupid move on my part.

"I …" I whisper, holding my breath, trying to find the words, any words as my heart tries to beat its way out of my chest and the sound of blood rushing in my ears drowns out everything else, including my thoughts.

He's going to kiss me. The thought leaps into my mind as his lips curve slightly at the corners, his eyes locked on mine as the second tick by.

And I want him to kiss me.

I lean in and close my eyes, anticipation coursing through me. His warm breath tickles my skin, and then I feel … nothing.

Absolutely nothing.

I open my eyes and look up at him. He's pulled back, and he's watching me. "Are you okay?" he asks, sending prickling heat across every inch of my skin.

I nod, feeling like an idiot. Of course he wasn't going to kiss me. I'm so stupid. He's the boss and he's not going to risk a sexual harassment lawsuit for me.