I just have to figure out what's standing in our way, first.

As I make my way back into the cabin, I realize I've lost my best friend, my biggest confidant, and the one other person in this world I know I can trust.

"Who was that?" Stacia asks softly, her voice sounding almost frightened.

"My brother." I walk past her into the living room and sit down. Our movie is still paused, but I don't give a damn anymore.

"Your brother?" She seems stunned.

"He doesn't think you and I should be together. Because you're too young for me and work for the company." I might as well throw things out there and see how she feels about them.

"He's allowed to have his feelings, but hitting you?" She sits close, but is careful not to touch me.

"I was an asshole. I may have wound him up." I lift both shoulders, well aware of my part in things and willing to own up to my own failings.

She shakes her head. "No words ever deserve physical violence. Period."

"I guess you don't have a brother." I let out a chuckle, but she doesn't seem amused.

"I'm an only child, but I'm not wrong. Besides, what does he know?" she asks, sounding offended. "It's none of his business." She huffs on the sofa, crossing her arms.

"I've worked my ass off to get to where I am. I think I deserve to be happy, to find love, to settle down with someone I choose, not someone my parents choose for me." That's the crux of the issue, and part of what my brother didn't seem to grasp. He got to pick his love, even though her family betrayed ours.

"You do deserve it." She smiles gently and reaches out to touch my arm just below the elbow.

"So what does it matter what your brother thinks?" She seems genuinely confused. "Why are you giving him any power?"

"He's my best friend," I admit, speaking softly. This part is hard for me to explain. "He's the one person I know I can trust."

"The one person you can trust?" she repeats. "What about me? And if you trust him, why didn't you tell him the truth?"

She's got me there.

"I do trust you. But he's my brother."

She lifts her shoulders, her hand moving away from my arm. I miss her warmth instantly. "Well, sure, but you didn't tell him this is all a sham."

"He wouldn't understand."

We fall silent as my brother's tires squeal on the asphalt. He tears down the driveway and I shake my head. No doubt he'd sat in his car, called mom and dad, and told them he couldn't talk me out of making a stupid decision that would ruin my life. I don't give a damn.

I do give a damn that Stacia didn't say anything about the age gap. Maybe it bothers her. Maybe it's part of the reason she's so steadfast in keeping this just business.

Whatever her reason, I plan to respect her wishes while treating her like the queen I hope she'll one day become.

No string attached. No expectations. I'm not going to bully her or persuade her. I'll just show her who I am and if she happens to fall in love with me, then excellent. And if not... I'll let her go when she's ready. No harm, no foul.

"I'm sorry," she says, glancing at me. "Family are supposed to be the ones we can trust no matter what."

"I agree. What about your parents, Stacia?"

Her eyes widen and she looks away, but not before I catch the glitter of tears in them. "I'm... estranged from my parents."

"I'm sorry to hear that," I say. Aware she's craving comfort, I open my arms to her without making a move her direction. The ball is in her court - she has to make the next move.

After a half-second of hesitation, she leans into me. I wrap my arms around her, holding her tight as she exhales all the pain and sorrow I saw in her eyes. No matter what, I can be her port in a storm, a shoulder to cry on, a friend to confide in. I care about her, and that means I'll be here for her, no matter what she needs.

Of course, I hope she needs me. That she falls in love with me and wants to stay for good.