If I'm being honest, it's a good thing Nathan is such a gentleman. I don't think I'd be okay being in anyone else's debt. Especially not after my ex. But it's so effortless with Nathan. I like that he's willing to be kind, to be the protector, the man who smooths all the waters around him. Nobody has ever done that for me.

"It's nice to be taken care of," I say as he walks me out of the room.

"It's nice to take care of you," he says back.

"Still, boss, it's my treat next time. Deal?"

He shakes his head as his hands on my shoulders guide me into the living space. "Absolutely not."

I laugh. I'd had a feeling he'd say that. We sit side by side on the couch, our knees pointed at one another as he speaks.

"So what do you like?" he asks.

I'm reveling in this easy comradery, how much I like talking to him, and this fun banter between us. "Chinese food. Sushi. Pizzas. Just about any Italian dish is good." I say. "I like food, not going to lie."

His eyes light up with amusement. "Same here. I love to cook, too."

"Same. Cooking has always been a source of comfort for me, not that I'd consider myself good at it or anything." I'm not really sure why I reveal that much, but I quickly tell myself it's fine; the more details he knows about me, the more convincing we can be.

His mouth twists in thought. "I wonder what has happened to you to make you need comfort."

Though he doesn't push, my thoughts instantly snap back to my ex. Shoving him from my mind, I try to brighten up as I straighten my back and shrug my shoulders. "Life is tough sometimes."

"One day you're going to have to tell me," he says.

"I have a confession," I say, looking at my fingernails as I desperately try to drag his attention away from my ex, my past, and my current situation.

He's watching me, waiting for me to go on.

"I said there are no feelings. But I think there could be. And I've had a crush on you since I started working for you. Day one, in the elevator, when you told me to chin up and that I'd do fine, that really helped me."

He seems stunned.

"I wouldn't have handed the pressure, but you made me believe in myself and gave me the grit and determination to get things done." I mean every word as I remember my panic, fear, and the urge to make a break for the front door, to give up and go back to my ex, to give up on my dreams because they were too hard and scary.

"You already had those things. I didn't give you anything but a nudge to help you see the truth." he smiles at me as he places a hand on my knee. The gesture sends warmth shooting through my body like a rocket.

I want to argue with him, but there's a knock on the door. Someone's at the door in remote cabin?

"I've got it," I say, quickly walking to the door. The delivery guy is standing there with a giant bag in his hand. It must be everything Nathan ordered.

"You got here fast," I say with a smile.

He nods. "We like Nathan, ma'am," he says, and passes me one of the three bags. I hold the first one with two hands, look at the guy and wonder how I'm going to get all of this to the table.

Nathan comes over, grabs the bag from me, and then balances the bag on his forearm while taking the other two like it's nothing. "Have a good night," he tells the guy.

"Did you tip him?" I ask before I can stop myself. My face burns as Nathan walks toward the dining area.

"Before they brought the food out. It's a long drive, they deserve a big tip and I give it in advance." His nonchalant attitude tells me I didn't offend him and I breathe a sigh of relief as I follow.

"Thanks for taking them," I say, feeling a bit silly as he places bags on the table and moves toward the kitchen.

"No problem," he says as we work together to get plates, bowls, and silverware. The smell of the food makes my mouth water and I inhale as he glances at me from the fridge. "What do you want to drink? Beer? Wine? Water? I have a few sodas too."

"Water, please."

With that he brings two sparkling waters to the table and places them cross from one another.