“You're right about that,” I say, trying to keep my tone neutral. “I think it's best if we are very clear about rules and how far we are willing to go to be believable.”

“So we're going to set some ground rules,” she says, sounding way too excited. I'm starting to get nervous. “I'll be straight with you though; I don't want to live with you.”

I'm surprised by this revelation.

“We're going to have to figure something out. We can't tell everyone that we're engaged, but not living together. It'll look suspicious. People will notice and start to think we're not together. The only way for this to look good is if we're just comfortable enough around each other in our own apartments and then pretend to be all lovey dovey.”

Bright side. She's already thinking of the details that I'm sure I would overlook. I love that she's already thinking of a possible way to make this believable enough to be able to keep it up.

"Easy - just say we're both locked into leases." She shrugs.

"I have money - I don't give a damn about breaking leases, and I own my apartment." I'm starting to get the feeling she has no idea that she's in over her head.

"Oh, well, there is that. But I don't, and you're not paying for my place."

"Why not? That's what I'd do for a real girlfriend or fiancée."

Her ribs expand as she inhales. A moment later, she inches back toward the couch and lowers into it. "This is going to be tougher than I expected. We'll come back to the living arrangement later."

Damn right we will.

She continues along another line of thought. “We're going to have to go on dates, go out to eat at least a few times a week. We're going to have to make sure that we're intimate. We're going to have to make sure that we're seen places together. We're going to have to make sure that we act like we're in love.”

Act like we're in love.

That doesn't seem too tough.

Chapter Six


What am I doing?

I have to be stupid, agreeing to pretend to be Nathan's - my boss, Nathan - girlfriend or fiancée! What am I thinking? Sure, he's hot, and I've had a crush on him since I started working for him, and he's truly someone I feel I click with, but he’s too old for me, too rich for me, and this is stupid!

What will my friends think?

I'm getting ahead of myself.

I need to think critically about this.

I have to make sure I'm doing the right thing.

Not that I can back out now, I already agreed! I excuse myself and hurry to the little girl's room, hoping I can calm my pounding heart and rapid thoughts.

I see my reflection in the mirror and I look like me. II don't look crazy, wild-eyed, or dumb, so why did I do this to myself? I've read enough romance novels to know better than to fake a relationship! Someone always falls in love and gets hurt. And if I'm not careful, it'll be me! Or heck, it'll be him and I'll wind up fired!

How can I agree to date him, to be engaged to him, to spend more time with him, even to spend time in his arms?

How can I be so...horny, so needy, so giddy to be around him?

What did he do to make me feel like this?

I'm stupid, that's what I am.

I grip the edges of the amazing sink, glaring at my reflection like some crazy lady.

He's so amazing, that's what he is.