I pulled back concerned. “Wait, you told her?”
“No. Parents are lie detectors though. I just sensed that she thought something was up.”
“I don’t want her to worry.”
“Then let’s fix it, Nina.” The tip of his nose tapped mine. “I want you back.”
“I can’t think about us right now.”
“Can’t think of us right now? You sure? Did you want me to come or did you use your mom as an excuse?”
“Really. You think I am that much of an asshole?”
“You never knew how to lie, Nina. I accepted the invitation to see you parents. It’s what you wanted, but I also came with the intentionto rekindlewhat we had. I was an asshole. I am sorry. But I don’t…” He looked to the crowd in the other room to make sure no one was looking. “You want me, admit it, but you allow Paul to get to you. I told you before he won’t be an issue. That is my commitment to you.” His phone chimed, and he reached for his pocket. “You can’t hold a grudge forever, Nina. I gotta take this call.”
He walked outside, in full businessman mode. His voice was muted by the windows. One look at me and he continued back with his conversation.
I could’ve gone by myself to see my family. But something inside me wanted to see him again. Feel him again. The feeling of a relationship and support system I wanted back. Deep down, I knew I used my family as an excuse to be with him again. They were the reason why we were together now.
“Hija.” Mom walked slowly to the couch. “Did Gareth do anything to upset you?”
I wanted to tell her so bad, but I didn’t want to make her feel worse. “No of course not.”
“Hmm. You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.” I smiled and shook my head that nothing was wrong. “I think he is a good person. Just a little uptight. He needs to relax.” She giggled. “I guess he will work on that in the future.”
Mom contemplated me for a moment. I guess she knew I had something on my mind even if I didn’t voice my thoughts. Mother’s intuition. “I know I am sick, Nina. But don’t stop living your life because I am ill. Life keeps going. You have school and things you want to do.”
She raised her hand to stop me from my point. “I know what you are about to say. You are going to pause your life and potential chance at love to take care of me. It’s all commendable, but you need to live your life. Just because you do that doesn’t mean you are selfish. I know you are a good daughterand sister, and you are not ungrateful. Enjoy being with Gareth. And if people don’t like it, oh well.”
Gareth’s voice became louder and angrier from outside. Mom smiled at the sudden concern on my face. She kissed my cheeks and walked to the living room. “Tell him dinner is almost ready.”
I rested my head on the door trying to hear what he was saying. It was hard with all the cars passing by in the streets. I reminded Gareth no business calls while visiting my parents, then I realized it wasn’t business he was conducting over the phone, but it was about me.
“Careful, Paul,” he warned. “You don’t need to like her. I do. Watch your fucking mouth. I don’t like how you speak about her. If you do not agree, you can consider yourself fired. Let me know what you decide.” He ended the call, and I witnessed as his chest moved up and down, as he tried to calm himself. His hands were balled into a fist ready to punch anything to relieve his anger.
I had to hide a smile, but inside I celebrated that he put me first. I opened the door and Gareth shot a glance at me.“Food is ready,” I said.
He stormed the stairs two at a time and crushed his mouth into mine. My body responded to his demands as he leaned into me slowly crushing me into bliss. Gareth’s lips and mine feasted, hungry and feral. He grew desperate. My lips became his only source. God I missed this and him. One hand took a fistful of my hair and tilted my head back while the other held my cheek, drinking from my lips to relieve his desires. He lifted me and my legs instinctively wrapped around his waist. I could feel the bulge in his pants. Fuck, to feel him again, nestled inside me. Torturing me. His dick caressing my pussy. Teasing and then demanding. I could feel myself wet between my thighs already. Wanting his body interlaced with mine, his hips pressed harder against me and a moan escaped my mouth, loud enough for him to hear.
He still held me against the wall, his hand gently caressing my thighs. “Your legs are going to be the death of me.” He whispered. After he venerated and worshipped my lips he faced me and his thumb gently sealed the evidence permanently. Then he put me down gently. I was out of breath, but he kept his composure. I combed my hair back to normalcy with my fingers to hide the evidence of what just happened.
Gareth took a strand of my hair and pulled it back behind my ear. “You’re okay.” He grinned. I was out of breath. “No one will notice what happened here tonight.”
I avoided eye contact while still trying not to smile.“I just came to tell you food was ready.”
“I heard you the first time.” He leaned close to my ear and his hot breath mingled with the cold air that teased my skin. “I just wanted an appetizer.” He licked the shell of my ear and walked inside.
I needed a moment before I walked inside the house to make sure no one noticed how Gareth’s words affected me.We were supposed to pretend, but nothing that happened minutes ago was not fake. I can’t lie to my heart. The worst assault to your heart is denying what it wants.
Everyone settled at the dinner table with food. My brother sat next to Gareth as requested by my father.
“Cool watch.” James admired.James always had a thing for time and confessed he wanted to be a horologist.
Gareth took the straps off.