His fingers slip under the elastic and barely skim the side of my lips. A small gasp escapes me. God. And he hasn’t evenreallytouched me yet.
He skims the flesh inside my panties, never once coming close enough to the entrance to feel the moisture and heat that’s pulsing deep inside. On their own volition, as if asking for more, my legs move ever outward, spreading, until I’m wide open, my inner flesh pressed against my cotton panties.
Josh leans in, his eyes on mine, feasting on me. His finger travels nearer. More and more, closer and closer, until I finally feel it pressing against the entrance to my channel, but not going in.
God, I want to jump on his finger. To rock and grind on his hand. I close my eyes to fight the ache away, to banish it from my mind and body.
“Open your eyes.” His voice is a whisper, catching from the passion he’s restraining.
Just as I open them, he slips a finger in me, sending shock waves through my body. I instantly feel my muscles trying to clamp down on it, trying to milk pleasure from it. He watches my face, his eyes glued on mine, he pulls his finger out, then pushes it back in. After a few slow and leisurely pumps, he’s bringing so much of my essence out that it’s making a sliding, squishy sound. My back’s arching, trying to press his finger deeper within.
He pulls his finger out completely, and a moan escapes me at its absence.
Josh brings the finger to his lips, gives it a tiny lick, tempting me with the sight of his tongue licking my flavor. My muscles contract.
He runs his finger over my lips, coating them with my juices, then leans in and licks my lower lip, flicking it with his tongue, lapping the moisture he just placed there.
When I slip my tongue out to taste myself, he captures it in his mouth, sucking on my tongue, flicking it, taking control.
In my bra, my breasts ache for touch, in my panties, I throb for release, but I’m powerless to voice it. He pulls away from our kiss, and my moan follows his egress. Hooking thumbs again, this time on my panties, he waits and watches me. I shift upward, and he shimmies them off. My legs go back to their previous state of being spread. He’s right near my knees, looking down.
“Beautiful.” He lowers his head just a bit, enough for me to feel his warm breath between my legs, on my nether lips. It counters the cool air that’s blowing in from the north.
“I’m going to taste your pussy.” His whisper floats over me with the subtlety of the wind, but what it does to my body is nowhere near that subtle. My muscles deep inside contract. My breasts swell. Behind them, my chest is full of trapped air. I can’t breathe to let it out.
Yes. Yes. Yesssss.My mind’s answering him, though my voice doesn’t yield to the temptation to say it out loud.
“I’m going to fuck your pussy with my tongue.”
Cause and effect. His words are the cause. The effect travels throughout my body at the speed of light. Or faster. My pulse quickens even more, my breathing shallower. My breasts ache, and more potent than any other reaction, an uncontrollable, insatiable throbbing begins between my legs. Insatiable, until he can satisfy me. I’m praying he will. I know he can.
His head goes lower, his hands on each side of my sex, pulling my folds apart, allowing my body to feel the dual sensation of cool wind and hot breath in the exact place where I want to feel him. On their own, my hips arch.
His tongue touches my clit, a butterfly’s wings of a sensation, making me jerk, in a very good way. Then he takes it in, sucking it into his hot mouth, lighting my pussy on fire. He flicks my tender nub with the tip of his tongue while it’s in his mouth.
My hands snake down, fingers tangling in his hair, pushing his head down to give me more. He sucks one of my outer folds in, releasing it with a pop, then moves to the other one. One of his hands moves down, two fingers pressing against my pussy.
Josh was always more experienced than I, but this is a completely different Josh. I fight back a wave of jealousy as I wonder where he picked up the newly acquired skills. I don’t wonder for long. All thoughts of that wash away when his fingers press in, stretching my unused muscles, pushing me open, then driving all the way in, and back out, slowly, then picking up tempo, then slowly again. Behind my eyelids, tiny fireflies flit around, a testament to how tightly I’m squeezing them shut in response to the pleasures he’s giving me.
“Open them,” he commands me. As if he is in control.
Who am I kidding? Of course, he is. I open my eyes. He’s blowing on my swollen, tender clit while watching my face.
“Sit up.” He tugs on me with his free hand, fingers still deep within my channel.
I rise to a sitting position, the incline of the concrete making it seem like I’m squatting, even though I’m sitting. He kneels next to me. His fingers going in and out, his face focused on mine.
“I want to watch your face while I finger your pussy. I want you to come on my hand.”
As soon as those words leave his mouth, my muscles begin to clench, pushing on his fingers, trying to milk them as if it’s his cock. God, I want his cock.
I look down at his crotch. The outline there leaves no doubt as to what he’s feeling.
“What are you looking at?” He shoves his fingers in deeper, faster, harder.
“Oh, God.” I start to climax from his words, seeing the imprint of his shaft, and the momentum and friction his thick fingers are providing. “Josh.”
“What, baby?”