Page 7 of The Time Traveler

Lauren shrugged. “Well, I’m afraid I can’t argue with that.”

“Nor I,” Reginald added. “Having someone along who knows the land and kens the customs and such, would be an advantage, Paige. If the timing were different, I’d assist ye myself. But I’m tied down with a sticky work situation right now.”

“I wouldn’t ask you to do that even if you weren’t,” she replied. “It’s a kind offer, Mr. Fleming, but I’m sure I’ll manage just fine.” She ducked her head. “Besides, I haven’t the means to hire a local bodyguard-slash-guide right now. If I did, it sounds like Oliver Harris would be the perfect choice. But since I don’t, the best I can do, is the best I can do.”

“Meanin’ me?” Taran queried.

A crimson flush colored Paige’s neck and cheeks as she looked up at him. “Forgive me. Now I’m the one with the misplaced words. No, Mr. Fleming. Not you. I meant myself. I’m used to fending for myself. It’s all I’ve ever known.”

“Mayhap we should change that—in the interest of findin’ yer brother, o’course.” Giving her his most reassuring smile, he tried again. “ ’Twould be my personal honor tae assist ye, if ye will allow it. Wi’out a fee, o’course. That wouldnae be fitting. But I could make navigatin’ Scotland a bit less difficult for ye. I ken we’d all rest easier knowin’ ye were safely guarded while ye’re here.”

It suddenly dawned on him why she might be hesitant. “I ken I’m a stranger tae ye, but I believe Reginald will vouch for me?”

“I will,” Reginald stated. “And I agree with Taran.’Twould be wise and ’twould ease our worries tae ken someone was travelin’ wi’ ye.”

“Especially, mine,” Lauren added.

“And—if I’m completely honest—mine, as well.” Paige admitted.

When she let her wide, violet eyes linger on him, Taran felt something tighten in his gut.

“Thank you…Taran. It’s kind of you to offer. But…why?”

He couldnae explain Soni to her. Or his need to do an honorable deed. Nor could he explain, despite all the reasons pro or con, his sudden desire to help her.

He shrugged to cover his hesitancy. “I’ve the time and freedom tae do it just now. Besides, ’twould be nice tae see those sad tears replaced wi’ happy ones. If yer brother is out there, I want tae help ye find him.”

She looked at him for several moments. “In that case—if you’re sure—I accept. Thank you.”

Relief mixed with the unease in his belly as Taran gave her a nod. “My pleasure.” ’Twas foolish to pretend he wasnae drawn tae the lass. But why did he feel going with her would have far greater consequences than leaving the moor, or Wickham’s?

“Excellent,” Lauren declared. “Now that’s all settled, you should both stay the night. You can get a good night’s sleep and start fresh in the morning.”

“I’m sorry,” Paige said. “It’s a kind offer, but…I can’t stay. I couldn’t sleep knowing I’d wasted most of a day and a night seeing to my own comfort when Austin could be…” She shook her head. “Please understand.”

“Of course,” Lauren soothed. “But remember it’s a standing offer. You’ll always be welcome here.”

Paige turned her gaze on Taran. “Stay. I know you and Reginald were hoping to spend some time together. You can catch up with me later. If you still want to.”

He studied her face. Her haunted, determined eyes that could pierce him to the core. “Ye’re going tae Inverness. Tae speak wi’ Harris. Am I right?”

A quick nod was all the confirmation she gave him.

Taran swallowed the last of his lemonade and set his glass aside. “Ye’ll need help navagatin’ the city.” He wasnae about tae admit he knew little of Inverness, himself. Or modern Scotland, for that matter. The few forays he’d taken wi’ the lads had been to specific places and then back to the ranch. “I’ll be ready when ye are.”

“If you won’t stay for dinner, at least let me fix you some food to take along,” Lauren insisted.

“ ’Twould be kind of ye,” Taran replied, watching Paige recheck the carefully placed postcard inside her bag. ’Twas like a lifeline to her. He pictured the symbol her brother had written there and what it represented to Paige. Try as he might, Taran couldnae help feeling some resentment against the man for the promises he’d made and never kept.

And all these years later,he mused, still watching her,ye’re still waitin’ on the selfish rotter tae keep his promise.He wanted to ask if Austin had ever done anything but make promises and give excuses. He dinnae wish the man ill, for Paige’s sake. But Heaven help him, if they found him and he was just off on another lark.

* * *

“Come back, Taran,”Lauren said, giving him a farewell hug as they all gathered beside Paige’s car. “Reggie is in desperate need of some man-talk.”

Paige watched Reginald’s eyes soften as he laughed and gazed down at his wife. What would it be like to have that kind of connection? The familiar hollow loneliness settled back in the pit of her stomach. Strange that she hadn’t been conscious of it since stepping on the McColl’s porch earlier today. She was grateful for even that short respite. She glanced around the glen and took one last look at the house. Someday, she’d have her own place of peace and beauty. She had to believe that.

And she had to believe Austin would be part of it.