Page 35 of The Time Traveler

She glanced up at him, not bothering to hide her tears.

“If you’re serious about wanting to reconnect. To really know me, I’ll take you with me on one condition. Well, two,” he amended. “No whining. And you have to take care of yourself. I won’t be responsible for you. You have to make your own way with the group.”

“You and Cam are a group?” She’d laugh if her heart wasn’t shattering. “The ‘Others’, I think they call you?”

“Ya, Others,” he sneered, “But not just me and Cam. There’s about twenty of us who came here and couldn’t live with all the rules and restrictions. We want something more than working all day, every day, for a little food and a brush hut.” He looked around the small enclosure, then down at her. “Or a pitiful excuse for a tent.”

“So, you and the Others just take what you want, instead? Regardless of who you hurt? I can’t believe you’re the man I’ve looked up to all my life.”

“Let’s just say I choose to live my life my way. And I’m through feeling guilty about it. So, make up your mind. If you choose to stay, you choose to be a part of whatever happens here. Either way, this is the last thing I’m going to do for you.”

“Then you’ll be happy to know any expectations I might have had where you’re concerned are gone. So, there’s no reason for any more guilt. You’re free. We’re both free. So go, do, be whatever you want.”

“I plan to.” He paused in the doorway. “Look, Paige—”

“Just go, Austin!”

He disappeared quickly. “Goodbye,” she murmured, painfully shedding her version of him. She wrapped her arms around her middle and curled up on her sleeping bag, wondering why it was so painful to let him go when she never really had him in the first place.

* * *

Taran triedto stay busy prepping more logs for Finn’s wall, but he mostly paced and watched the tent, hoping what was happening inside was everything Paige hoped it would be.

Everything she’d done—before and after he’d met her—led up to this moment. Regardless of what it meant for him, he truly wished her the happiness she deserved.

Occasionally, he heard the faint sound of one or the other speaking, but he couldnae tell what was being said, good or bad.

Finally, Austin ducked out of the opening and stalked away, fists balled, lips in a tight, determined line.

Taran waited but Paige dinnae follow. He wanted to allow her some space, but he couldnae seem to keep his feet from striding toward the tent.

Slipping inside, he found Paige curled in a tight ball, her sobs coming in huge, wrenching bursts. His gut tightened, knowing he couldnae ease her pain. Sitting beside her, he gathered her onto his lap, cradled her against his chest and grieved with her over her lost dreams. Stroking her hair, he gently rocked her and let her spill her shattered hopes against his chest.

Much later she stirred, shifted on his lap and after slipping her arms around his waist, resettled on his chest. “I guess I never really knew him,” she began quietly. “I spent my life waiting for a fantasy. Some of it was Austin’s fault. The lies and endless promises. But I have to take accountability for my part in the illusion. I wanted to believe the Austin in my head was real. I guess the six-year-old who believed he was her hero never really grew up.”

When she peeked up at him, Taran pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Today, I finally did. I suppose I should thank Austin for that, at least.” She burrowed back against his chest. “He wants to live his life free. It’s past time I did the same.”

Taran tensed. What did that mean? Free from what, exactly? Him? Austin? This place?

“I’m so sorry, Taran. If not for me you wouldn’t be trapped here. I don’t know how I can ever make that right. It’s unfair for me to grieve the life I felt Austin stole from me when I stole yours from you.”

“Nae lass,” he murmured into her hair. “I dinnae have a life before ye, and I wouldnae trade a minute with ye since. And in truth? I like this place verra much. I ken I can be happy here.”

Ifshe was with him. But he couldnae say so. No’ with her talking of livin’ free.

* * *

The afternoon blended into evening,when Wilma wiggled the tent flap and passed Taran a plate of food. “Neither of you have eaten all day. I thought you might be getting hungry.” She paused a moment before continuing. “I saw that weasel slip away earlier.” She nodded toward the inside of the tent. “How’s she doing?”

“Sleepin’ now. But ’twas hard on her, havin’ all her hopes and dreams bashed. I dinnae ken all that was said, but ’twasnae the happy reunion she thought ’twould be.”

“Doesn’t surprise me,” Wilma said, her mouth in a twist. “That Austin was no good from the get-go. It’s hard to believe they’re the same blood.”

Taran could only nod and gesture toward the plate. “Thank you for this kindness. ’Tis appreciated.”

“You tell her if she needs anything at all—a female shoulder—whatever, she’s to come to me.” She turned away, stopped, and turned back. “What you did for Aiesha today.Thatwas a kindness. There’s not one of us here that will forget it. She’ll see that your generosity is passed on. You can bank on that.”

“ ’Twas my pleasure.” When Wilma turned away, Taran set the food atop Paige’s bag. On the floor beside it, he found the wee basket she’d been so pleased with along with the dirk he’d given her. He studied the cuts. Surely, ’twasnae her that did such wicked damage.