Page 10 of The Time Traveler

“Please,” Paige begged. “It’s very important. May I speak with him? It won’t take long, I promise.”

“If ye’ll just wait here, I’ll find out if he’s back. I dinnae believe his next tour is scheduled for a bit.” She rose and turned toward a door in the back.

“Tell him ’tis regarding his adventures on the McColl property,” Taran added.

The woman glanced at Taran, nodded, and disappeared through a side door.

Paige paced the small space in front of the counter. “I hope he’ll give us a few minutes. I’m praying he has some indication of where Austin might have gone. If so, we might still make some progress before dark. I’d really like to be out of the city and on our way before then.”

Despite Paige’s distress, Taran couldn’t help but smile. He kenned she had many lovely and compelling strengths, but patience dinnae seem to be one of them. ’Twas a stubborn lass he’d committed to accompany. But in truth, he couldnae blame her. If ’twas his own family member missing, he’d turn heaven and earth upside down to find them.

A dark, stocky man strode through the door. “Ye wish tae speak tae me?” he queried. “Something about my trip tae the McColl property?” He glanced between Taran and Paige. “If ye’ve come about that missing lad, I’ve already spoken tae the authorities and told them all I know.”

Paige stepped forward. “Mr. Harris, I’m Paige Williams. Austin Williams’ sister.”

He acknowledged her with a nod. “Och. I’m sorry for yer trouble, lass. But as I said, I’ve already told the officers what little I ken of yer brother.”

“Yes, I understand that,” she said softly. “But I…I hoped you might have remembered something else since you spoke with them. Maybe Austin mentioned a new place he wanted to explore after you split up? A favorite spot he wanted to go back to? Or, some new place he wanted to see? Any small detail would help.”

Harris shook his head. “Just what I already told them, I’m afraid. I’d be glad tae tell ye, as well, but I’m afraid I dinnae have anything new tae add.”

From the slight slump in Paige’s shoulders, Taran sensed her deep disappointment, but the lass held up and tried to smile. “Yes, please,” she replied. “All the authorities told me was that you hadn’t given them any specifics concrete enough to continue an in-depth search. So, I would very much appreciate hearing everything directly from you. I know Austin better than anyone, so it’s possible he said something that didn’t seem significant to you but might be to me.”

“Of course.” Harris glanced around the room and gestured toward a small seating area near the window. “Over there?”

Pointing them toward a small settee, Harris took an adjacent chair. Taran waited for Paige to sit first before settling beside her. He had no choice but to sit shoulder to shoulder, thigh to thigh. Though she showed no sign of it, he wondered if Paige was as aware of his warmth as he was of hers. He hadnae noticed her light, flowery scent in the car, but this close to her, ’twas a compelling but awkward distraction.

“As I told the authorities, I barely knew yer brother,” Harris began. “Struan McCleary and I met Austin at a pub. He asked tae tag along on a rappelling trip we were planning. We dinnae see any harm in it, so we let him come. We spent that evening and most of the next day wi’ him. Then we parted company.”

Harris lifted a shoulder in a slight shrug. “But I’ll profess, the lad was a talker. Even in the short time we spent together, he bragged about places he’d been, things he’d done, along with some he still planned tae do. Like goin’ back tae the Black Isle. He seemed tae have a strong fascination with the Fairy Glen near Rosemarkie. Apparently, at some point, he’d camped on the beach near there. Somehow, he was convinced there were still undiscovered caves along that section of the Moray Firth. He said someday he’d go back and be the one tae discover ’em. He asked Struan and me tae go with him, but we both have job commitments that keep us from doing more than a day trip here and there. Like the one at the McColl property.”

“You said these places are near Rosemarkie?” Paige asked.

“Aye. But like I said, I already told the authorities everything I just told you, so I ken they’ve already searched there.”

“Probably,” Paige echoed. “But I appreciate you sharing it with me, as well. What about Mr. McCleary? Would he have anything to add?”

“Nae,” Harris replied. “He left last week for a sixty-day stint on a fishing vessel. But the three of us were together the entire time, so I dinnae ken he’d have heard anything I dinnae.” He gave Page a sorrowful look. “I’m truly sorry about yer brother. He seemed like a fine lad. I hope ye’re able tae find him.”

“Thank you, Mr. Harris.” Paige rose in tandem with Taran and held her hand out to Harris. “I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your help.”

“Good luck tae ye, lass,” he replied, shaking Taran’s as well. “If ye’ll excuse me, I’ve some preparation tae do before my next tour.”

“Come lass,” Taran took her arm to steer her from the iCentre.

She glanced up at him as they turned toward the door. “I don’t know how to feel. It’s less than I’d hoped for but more than we had before we came.”

“Agreed,” Taran replied as they exited onto the crowded street where people, noise and sunlight bombarded his senses. “Since the authorities have already checked the areas Austin said he was interested in—obviously tae no avail or they’d have contacted ye—what is yer plan now?”

“I know it’s illogical, which isn’t like me at all, but I really need to go to Rosemarkie myself. I have to know I’ve personally checked out every possibility.” She looked at Taran, concern clouding her eyes. “Are you willing? If so, as I said earlier, I’d like to get started before dark.”

“Of course I am.” Taran agreed, guiding her through the crowd of people. Tourists, likely, wanting tae see all the sights. “But somewhere along the way, we should find a place tae spend the night before everything is taken and we’re forced tae sleep in the car.”

Paige glanced up at him with such an odd expression it stopped him. “What is it? What’s wrong?” He waited, but she turned her face away and dinnae respond. “Paige?”

“I hadn’t planned on spending money for a room,” she finally admitted, still not looking at him.

“Okay,” Taran drew the word out slowly. “Whatdidye have in mind?” He watched a muscle jump in her jaw as she stared into the distance. “Paige!” he pressed once more when she still didn’t answer.