Page 30 of The Time Traveler

“Aye. He did. And several others I spoke to, as well.”

When he didn’t say more, Paige knew it wasn’t good. She told him what Elsie had told her, repeating her hope that somehow, it was a mistake.

“I’m sorry, lass,” Taran said. “Truly I am. But ’twas pretty much the same story from everyone. Several had offered Austin work, tryin’ tae help him get on his feet, but all were refused.”

Paige looked at her plate and gave up trying to eat. “I want to believe there’s a reason. He was sick, or confused, or—” she sighed. “But I can’t keep ignoring the truth forever.” She looked away, not wanting Taran to witness how devastating it was to accept.

“ ’Twillnae help tae torture yerself, love. If what they say is true, he’ll show up here soon enough and ye can find out for yerself.”

“You’re right. I know.” She tipped her head to one side. “But patience has never been my strong suit.”

His laugh was immediate and loud, booming through the small space. “If ever a truer statement was spoken, I dinnae ken what ’twould be.”

She glared at him but couldn’t help a small smile of her own.

“Tell me more about Finn. Did you get his windbreak finished?”

“No’ completely. I plan tae go again tomorrow. He seemed verra glad tae have the help.”

“Being torn away from his family like that. He must be very lonely,” she said softly.

“Aye. I ken he is.”

Paige pushed a piece of squash around on her plate. “It would be hard to be here alone. Everyone needs someone to…” she looked up at him, “…you know, be with. To help each other and build something together and to just…be with,” she repeated, unable to express how lonely, lonely really is.

“I agree,” he whispered, watching her. “ ’Tis as true here, as anywhere.” He handed her his empty plate. “There was a time when I thought otherwise. When I thought freedom and wandering the world was the only way tae be happy. But I’ve learned differently.”

“You have?” she watched him closely, setting both their plates aside. “How?”

He inched closer. “I met a feisty, stubborn, impetuous beauty, who challenged reason and logic and wouldnae give up on her quest, nae matter the odds.”

“You did?” Her belly quivered as she shifted, leaning in. “And how did that work out for you?”

“I’ve yet tae see.” He breathed, moving ever closer.

Sliding into his arms was like coming home to that illusive place she’d searched for all her life. Clinging to him, she inhaled deeply, breathing in his scent as she pressed her lips to his neck, his jaw, his cheek.

“Paige,” he moaned, shifting to capture her mouth in a kiss as explosive as the thunder around them.

Together, they toppled onto the bags where he rolled onto a forearm, pulling her beneath him.

Grasping his shoulders, she tugged him closer. “I love solving a good mystery.”

Chapter Twelve

Taran was up and out at dawn, regardless of his reluctance to leave Paige. Wrapped snugly in his arms and tartan, she’d slept soundly through the night, despite the wind and rain pummeling their tent.

He’d promised Finn an early start, and he wanted to keep his word. He planned on asking Finn to return the favor should the time come, which seemed far more likely than no’. He couldnae imagine being able to reverse the process that brought them here. Although he’d never have imagined arriving here in the first place, so mayhap the lesson was to expect the unexpected.

Which was exactly what he’d had to do since first meeting Paige. Though he’d been captivated by her from their first meeting at McColl’s, as their time together progressed, ’twas more than simple attraction that drew him to her.

As complicated and stubbornly determined as Paige seemed, she was also vulnerable, sweet, honest-to-a-fault, and surprisingly generous with her heart. And he cared about her to the point of distraction. No matter where he was, or what he did, she was always uppermost in his mind.

He’d ceased being her guide and become her protector. But he wanted to be more than that. Far more. Until last night, when his need to kiss her, to hold her, had been as thunderous as the storm outside their tent, he hadnae been sure how she felt. He’d kissed her before, but no’ like last night. They hadnae just shared a few kisses, they’d opened their hearts in ways neither had before.

Looking up from the log he was trimming, Taran watched Paige emerge from their tent. Smiling, she closed her eyes and inhaled deeply, obviously appreciating the fine morning. He ached to spend more mornings with her. More days. More nights. Even so, he realized their future together was uncertain.

After all she’d done to find Austin, Taran knew how devoted Paige was to her brother and how important ’twas to find him and become the family she’d always sought.