Shooting up from his chair, he marched out of his office, past the kitchen and living room, and straight through the cabin’s front door. Jax skipped every other step down the porch as he hurriedly made his way to his car.

Still parked in the same spot since his and Poppy’s arrival, he put Declan on speaker as he began a thorough search of the Ferrari’s undercarriage. At first, he thought he was just being paranoid, but as he inspected the area behind the back passenger tire…

Son of a…

There it was. A small black box with a blinking red light. A light that meant the signal was still actively transmitting.

And he’d missed it.

“Motherfucker!” He ripped the damn thing free, tossed it onto the paved driveway, and smashed it with the heel of his boot.

“What?” Alarm filled Declan’s tone. “You find something?”

“Tracker.” Jax took off for the house. Leaping from the ground up to the porch floorboards, he didn’t bother using a single step. “It was on the fucking undercarriage. Up behind the back passenger wheel. The signal was still hot, Dec!”

Goddamnit. He couldn’t believe he hadn’t thought to check it before. He’d never made such an obvious, rookie mistake.

Of course, he’d never been pre-occupied with trying to keep a woman like Poppy in his bed before, either.


“I’m getting us out of here,” Jax informed his brother.

“Grady and I will head that way, just in case.”


Ending the call, he burst through the door and headed up the stairs. “Poppy!” he hollered for her as he ran into his bedroom. A quick scan revealed she wasn’t in there. “Poppy, we have to go! Now!”

Opening the bathroom door, he found her standing at the mirror wearing nothing but a towel.

“Oh!” With a tiny squeal, her muscles tensed as she put a hand to her chest. “You scared the crap out of me.”

“We have to go.” He hated being so sharp with her, but he needed to get her out of there ASAP.

“What? Why?” Poppy frowned.

“I’ll explain on the way. Just get dressed and meet me downstairs.”

“Wait. What’s going on?”

They didn’t have time to waste, but she deserved to know the truth.

“I found a tracker on the car,” he explained quickly. “It was still transmitting, which means whoever put it there probably knows we’re here.”

Jax turned to leave with Poppy right on his heels.

“A tracker?” She walked to the bed and dropped her towel, grabbing for the clothes she’d apparently set out prior to her shower. She spoke as she dressed with impressive speed. “But that doesn’t make any sense. We’ve been here nearly a week, and there’s been no sign of De Luca or his men.”

“You’re right. It doesn’t make sense.” He headed for the door. Stopping just shy of the threshold, he spared a quick glance her way from over his shoulder. “But I’m not willing to take that chance. Not with you.”

And not when his gut was screaming the way it was.

If De Lucawasstill tracking them—and it sure as fuck looked like he was—the bastard was probably just biding his time. Creating a false sense of security so Jax would let his guard down.

Which he had.

“Okay.” Poppy sat on the bed to put on her socks. “I’ll be right down.”