“You just sit tight and wait for my orders.” His expression changed back to the warrior from before. “If something happens and I tell you to run, you need to run.”

“What? No.” Poppy shook her head vehemently. “I’m not leaving you behind.”

“Damn it, Poppy. Don’t argue with me. Not on this. I’m well-trained and I know how to handle these guys. But I can’t do that if I’m distracted.”

“I’m a distraction?” That was news to her.

“Oh, darlin.” Jax slid her a sideways glance. “You’re the very best kind.”

She had no idea how to react when he said things like that. No man had ever made her feel as attractive or desired as this one. And they hadn’t even slept together yet.

The oncoming SUV gave itself a wide berth as it changed directions mid-drive. Though Jax’s car was capable of reaching a much greater speed, the SUV’s advantage was that it was now driving parallel to them in the opposite lane.

Unable to stop for the vehicle still following behind them, Jax held the steering wheel with a white-knuckled grip. Using the hand that still held the gun, Jax lowered his window just enough to fit the Glock’s barrel through its narrow opening.

Three loud pops filled the car’s interior, making Poppy’s ears ring with a high-pitched squeal. Glass shattered, the pieces littering the highway as Jax’s bullets struck the SUV’s passenger window, the man in the seat next to it jerking when one of the projectiles struck him in the neck.

Oh, god!

With no time to panic, Poppy braced herself when the driver jerked his steering wheel to the right. Jax cursed when the SUV slammed into their car, the sudden impact sending Poppy’s upper body flying to her right.

Luckily the seatbelt locked up, keeping her secured enough her head managed to miss hitting the passenger side window.

“These guys aren’t fucking around,” Jax growled.

No, she didn’t suppose they were.

Back for more, the SUV hit them again. And again. In between strikes, Jax went on the offensive, firing his weapon with the intent to kill.

Poppy checked the sideview mirror, her heart slamming against her ribs when she realized the other vehicle that had been following them was gaining on them at an alarming rate.

“Jax…” she said his name as a warning.

“Roll down your window and start shooting!” He fired again at the man still trying to run them off the road.

With a trembling hand, Poppy pushed the button on the door and rolled the glass down half-way.

“Don’t lean out!” Jax hollered. “You need to keep as much of your body inside the car as possible.”

Risking serious bodily injury, Poppy unbuckled her seatbelt and scooted toward the door. The passing wind whipped her hair in every direction, the strands stinging as they slapped against her face.

Shifting herself sideways in the seat, she looked back over her right shoulder and put the gun into her left hand. As a righty, it felt a bit awkward, but as long as she could keep her grip steady…

Poppy pulled the trigger, her hand jerking back slightly from the weapon’s mild recoil. Her bullet went wide, missing the SUV completely.

“Damn it.”

“That’s okay!” Jax shouted above the sound of the roaring highway wind. “Just keep shooting. I have extra rounds in the glovebox and console. We just need to keep them occupied and on the defensive until I can take care of this asshole.”

Keep them on the defensive. Got it.

Poppy lifted the gun again. She shot once. Twice. And on the third try, her bullet hit the SUV’s windshield creating a small crater in the thick glass.

The vehicle dropped back slightly, but then the passenger window rolled down and a long, black barrel came into view.


Poppy crouched down in her seat just as a bullet shattered Jax’s entire back windshield.